X-mas Birds!

Dec 25, 2006 10:11

Since we will be traveling this X-mas, Chris and I exchanged gifts on Saturday. I got him tickets to the Onion Cellar, a weekly cabaret show the Dresdon Dolls are putting on in Cambridge. It's supposed to be different from their concerts, having a basic plot line. It should be interesting. Chris came in Saturday night with a wrapped birdcage on a stand (because Pan will be very interested in the new arrivals). Currently, we are thinking finches, and leaning towards zebra finches, which are loud little birds which zoom around like Veritasluxmea on nitro and chirp and sing constantly (fortunately, they have cute little chirps, rather then the squawks of most parrots). I had them as a kid, and have missed them a lot.

In other news, I will be taking a Master's class at Harvard extension next semester. Due to my status as a Harvard employee, I can take classes for a fee of 40 dollars rather then the thousand charged to regular public. My plan so far is to start taking the classes towards the Master's in Biotechnology offered through the extension school, which consists of nine classes and a master's thesis. If I decide to go to grad school for a Phd, I'll have classes to show I can handle grad level work, as well as connections made through my lab to speak for me. If I decide to stick with a Master's, it will take me about 3 years to finish it while working (assuming 1 class a semester, all that Harvard will pay for). Either way, it'll help me, assuming I can work through the registration process.

Sadly, due to receiving both Warcraft III and Final Fantasy XII for X-mas (unasked for, as I had planned to space out the addictive games a bit more) I will probably be stuck in hermit mode until at least July. I still haven't finished Starcraft, and I started on FFXII last night. It is very pretty, and very dangerous.
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