day 01 | a song
day 02 | a picture
day 03 | a poem
day 04 | a site
day 05 | a youtube clip
day 06 | a quote
day 07 | whatever tickles your fancy
so my quote isn't gonna be very intelectual at all, I'm not very good at remembering/ looking up good intelligent quotes, I always remember random pop culture ones. So anyway here's one about lady gaga from a racialicious article i read a couple weeks ago. To set it up the author was talking about how she heard Lady Gaga considers herself to be redefining beauty.
"Pullease! She’s a young skinny white woman who doesn’t wear pants."
the context: Anyway since i'm quote deficient if you have any good ones you want to share please do in the comments, I know there are a lot of good ones out there I just never keep track of them.