day 01 | a song
day 02 | a picture
day 03 | a poem
day 04 | a site
day 05 | a youtube clip
day 06 | a quote
day 07 | whatever tickles your fancy
So some of us at mac get scholarships from Mac alum or scholarships in the name of a mac alum, i get the Lonnie Adkins scholarship for a black student who has academic excellence (or something) and every semester if you get one of these scholarships they have a thing where you write them a letter and tell them about what you're doing in school, how grateful you are etc etc. Anyway the wife of Lonnie Adkins, Alpha Adkins, died monday. So i got an e-mail wondering if i wanted to go to her funeral service tomorrow, i figure it's the least i can do for them since they've supported my and other students education. anyway i'm going with the woman who represents donor relations at MAC so yeah. In other news it's family weekend which means lots of people's parent's on campus and better food at cafe mac (never a bad thing). Anyway that's all i have to say for now.
Borderlands: La frontera
by Gloria Anzaldua
To live in the borderlands means you
are neither hispana india negra espanola
ni gabacha, eres mestiza, mulata, half-breed
caught in the crossfire between camps while carrying all five races on your back
not knowing which side to turn to, run from;
To live in the Borderlands means knowing
that the india in you, betrayed for 500 years,
is no longer speaking to you,
that mexicanas call you rajetas
that denying the Anglo inside you
is as bad as having denied the Indian or Black;
Cuando vives en la frontera
people walk through you, wind steals your voice,
you're a burra, buey, scapegoat
forefunner of a new race,
half and half-- both woman and man, neither--
a new gender;
To live in the Borderlands means to
put chile in the borscht
eat whole wheat tortillas,
speak Tex-Mex with a Brooklyn accent;
be stopped by la migra at the border check points;
Living in the Boarderlands means you fight hard to
resist the gold elixer beckoning from the bottle.
the pull of the gun barrel,
the rope crushing the hollow of your throat;
In the Borderlands
you are the battleground
where enemies are kin to each other;
you are at home, a stranger,
the border disputes have been settled
the volley of shots have shattered the truce
you are wounded, lost in action
dead, fighting back;
To live in the Borderlands means
the mill with the razor white teeth wants to shred off
your olive-red skin, crush out the kernel, your heart
pound you pinch you roll you out
smelling like white bread but dead;
To survive in the Borderlands
you must live sin fronteras
be as crossroads.