Rabbit rabbit! My computer thinks it's still in Eastern time, so there.

Sep 01, 2012 00:42


Let me 'splain. No, there is too much. Let me sum up. Buttercup is marrying Humperdinck in little less than half an hour and many things have happened since we last spoke. I'm going to have to make a bulleted list.

-I turned 29 again! I went to Hippie College Town with the Artist Formerly Known as Sister Jeen of the Former Granny Car and we did what you do there, i.e. eat hippie organic foods and go hiking, or, in this case, creekwalking. Not recommended in flipflops, because you'll probably fall on your ass. Not that I did that. Hmm. Then we had ice cream and watched the Hunger Games and it was exciting.

-I rehearsed like a million hours in one day for a gig! I haven't done that since band camp!

-I had a gig! There was a lot of music!

-I packed up all of the things and loaded some of the things into the car and in doing so got a massive foot cramp which allowed me to not be able to walk for several hours. It was bizarre.

-I left the East Coast for points west! I have seen so many things. SO MANY THINGS. If you're reading this you know I overshare on FB anyway so I will not repeat myself.

So, yeah. Westward ho!
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