Wicked Pretty Update #4: The Prettying

Apr 05, 2011 13:58

Let's see if LJ will let me post this.

Yeah, this is still going. Last night, pointed me to Twitter:

@SaundraMitchell: Hey @PublishersWkly since Christopher Navratil is upset the authors didn't contact him how about providing an addy? It's not on their site!

@SaundraMitchell: And nice reportage! Extremely balanced. Why didn't you talk to any ( Read more... )

down with this sort of thing, publishing, appropriate responses to bad situations, books, shenanigans

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Comments 56

westonian April 5 2011, 19:00:54 UTC
So... they're going to publish a thirteen story collection with a six stories in it?


cleolinda April 5 2011, 19:02:41 UTC
My understanding is that there is a lot of talking going on behind the scenes, and a surprising number of apologies are happening, and that some progress may be made. I don't know how it's going to turn out, though. There should still be fallout from the Publisher's Weekly "article," damn.


shadowmaat April 5 2011, 19:32:25 UTC
Apologies are all well and good, I guess, but this thing has become such a giant fishy mess I'm not sure anything can save it at this point, especially in light of the PW fiasco. I hope RP's solution isn't to throw more money at the authors to get them to shut up and contribute.

Speaking as someone who hopes to get published some day this kinda stuff is not exactly encouraging.


cleolinda April 5 2011, 21:42:59 UTC
I guess the best outcome at this point would be to put a new editor on it--and possibly change the name in order to start fresh, but the whole premise is that it's a Melissa Marr rip-off, so I don't know that they would do that.


wendyzski April 5 2011, 19:16:14 UTC
Thank you for keeping us updated on this whole mess. I posted a summary on my LJ but it was basically a whole bunch of "This is what I understand is happening but cleolinda says it better here..."

I did like my quote "She explained this on her blog, because this is the Century of the Fruitbat and this is how people do things nowadays" though


(The comment has been removed)

westonian April 5 2011, 19:32:07 UTC
Like the engine on the front is derailed and burning, but the engine in the back is still chugging away? And it's one of those long trains that keep you at the crossing for five minutes or more? And then there's a second train that runs into the crash from the other direction?


shadowmaat April 5 2011, 19:35:19 UTC
Like that movie Unstoppable with the runaway train full of toxins, except without Chris Pine and possibly with an additional fault that prevents the train full of orphans from escaping.


tiljaunique April 6 2011, 03:59:14 UTC
You just described the literal trainwreck that happened in my country yesterday, down to the second crash (the second train that was supposed to be coming to help the first one out of the fire and ended up crashing it) with the 70 casualties included. Yeap, I believe that's the right description for what's happening here. If only the casualties in this story weren't the writers and readers as well.


sucrelefey April 5 2011, 19:30:58 UTC
The agents must be downing whole bottles by now. In the long run all these what not to do lessons in public view will be good for the industry.


hollyxu April 5 2011, 19:32:45 UTC
Thanks for making things clearer! The passive aggressive 'article' puzzled me but I suppose that Navratil stood to lose a lot and took the easy, somewhat silly decision to handwave it away...

Your posts rather remind me of old f_w reports. ;P


shadowmaat April 5 2011, 19:37:52 UTC
These are not the droids you're looking for?

The only problem with jedi mind tricks is that you have to be a jedi in order for them to work. Not sure Navratil got that memo.


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