Updates (good)

Oct 27, 2010 12:16

Mom has texted to say that Grandma's brain tumorectomy went well: "She's already talking to the doctor. She says she has a headache--imagine that!" Indeed. Also: whew.

(Update: now she says that Grandma told them to go ahead and shave her entire head rather than just the pertinent area. Since she's always been very dainty about her hair, this is both kind of sad and kind of amazing. Mom suggest that we help her find some stylish turbans.)

What I have taken away from this and foresthouse's eye surgery is that American healthcare is excellent... if you can afford it.

Of course, it was four hours before we knew if it would be okay, so I looked around for ways to distract myself.

@cleolinda: RT @ comingsoonnet: Breaking! RT @20thFoxCC James Cameron has agreed to make AVATAR 2 and 3 as his next films.

@cleolinda: Watching Aliens on AMC while I'm waiting. Curious to see what they'll replace the swearing with.

@cleolinda: Are there, in fact, monkeyfighting xenomorphs in this Monday-to-Friday ship?

[Answer: they just muted Certain Words. No hilarity.]

@caroflanagan: @cleolinda Now I don't find the Marines as kick-ass or scary with that dialogue.

@cleolinda: @caroflanagan To be fair, Bill Paxton wailing that they're all gonna diiiiiiiie was never very badass in the first place.

@cleolinda: God, I haven't seen this in years. Say what you will about James Cameron, but Aliens is a hell of a movie.

[One of the best things about it was that I hadn't seen Aliens in years, so while I remembered stretches of it vividly, I had mostly seen it as a child/young teen. So I was seeing even the parts I remembered with very different eyes, and there were lots of parts where I ended up yelling joyfully at the TV: "OH, SHIT!" "GOD, Paxton, SHUT IT!" "FUUUUUUUCK." "AWWWWW, YOU GONNA GET ET!"]

@cleolinda: NUKE THE SITE FROM ORBIT #itstheonlywaytobesure

@Amaz0n_Princess: @cleolinda it's my mother's favorite movie!

@cleolinda: @Amaz0n_Princess It was my mom's favorite when I was about eight. She kept trying to get me to watch it. I was like WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU

@cleolinda: @Amaz0n_Princess I AM EIGHT YEARS OLD

@Amaz0n_Princess: @cleolinda had I watched it at 8 years old I think I would have curled up into a catatonic ball in my bed & never come out!

@cleolinda: @Amaz0n_Princess She watched it all the time on cable, so I actually bits of it over and over. This may explain a lot.

[Sometimes she would watch Alien, but that was an older movie and not on cable as often. For a while, I used to run in terror when the opening credits of Aliens would start. "No, no, come back! It's not bad!" She always wanted me to watch the part where Ripley goes back for Newt and omg the Queen took the elevator, WHY CAN ALIENS TAKE THE ELEVATOR THAT IS NOT FAIR and everything is gonna blow up, flames, FLAAAAMES and where is the ship, omg the ship, OH NO THE QUEEN IS ON THE SHIP, GET AWAY FROM HER YOU BITCH. Which was awesome. However, I was also eight. This might say a lot about both of us.]

@cleolinda: I love how the little girl is so much more hardcore than the Marine wailing like a toddler. Need to retake that course in badass, Hudson.

@kitalita: @cleolinda I was watching that before I had to leave for class. GAME OVER, MAN, GAME OVER.

@cleolinda: @kitalita WHAT ARE WE GONNA DO NOWWWWWWW?!?

@kitalita: @cleolinda Paxton was killed by an Alien, a Terminator and a Predator. I think that's like the perfect 80s career.

@cleolinda: You know, it occurs to me that Avatar is Aliens if the xenomorphs were the good guys.

@cleolinda: Although it would be really funny to have the xenomorphs adopt Ripley and teach her the ways of their tribe.

@fullofstars: @cleolinda They'd always feel a little sorry for her since she doesn't have an extra little mouth that comes out of her regular mouth.

@cleolinda: Yeah, I was about to say. But needs more love ballads. RT @laughacademy: @cleolinda That arguably happens in Alien 4.

@cleolinda: And now, Best Song winner of 1986, "I Eat You."

Meanwhile, I have Thoughts on the Marie Claire brouhaha, but I think I should post those in a separate entry. If you haven't heard about it yet, well... you're about to.

my grandmother, movie discussion, movies, twitter, alien, my mother

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