I'm in a book!

Aug 11, 2010 11:09

You know, a long while back, Diane Duane (the Young Wizards series) asked me if she could use my name for a character, but a couple of years went by and I forgot about it. But then particle_person picked up a copy of Omnitopia Dawn.

I definitely endorse this product and/or service. Please go read it (it's the first in a series! You don't have to catch up on anything!) and confirm/deny whether Aunt Cleolinda is awesome. Of course, if a single name-drop is my only appearance, that is perfectly cromulent, because clearly there is some kind of awesome bike and I want to ride it, which makes me an awesome bike-riding aunt. I can definitely live with this.

ETA: As someone in the comments reminded me--if you really want to get your mind blown, take a gander at the listing for a TV movie she cowrote back in the day. It's gone by at least six different titles that I know of, but I heard of it at a costume site (lo these many years ago) as "Kingdom in Twilight."


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