I have a gigantic headache and have been away from my desk most of the day--which means, in turn, that I'm hellishly behind on things--so we'll only have a quick essential linkspam today. Because I have a feeling that if I don't post the Christian Bale thing, I'm going to be getting a lot of emails about it.
AUDIO: Christian Bale's Apocalyptic '
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I sort of wish she'd been there to rib him about this, too.
Plus I'm a bit disappointed in him. C'mon Senor Bale, no tacos until you apologize.
Honestly, I don't think I'd have done that (would have been fighting the panic attack to this very moment), but considering how litigation-happy people can be when faced with a rich celebrity, and the sheer insanity of Christian Bale's rage, this is one instance where I think the guy would have been justified in asking whatever the hell he wanted. Holy immaturity, Batman.
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