Golden Globe winners: Best Drama: Atonement
Best Musical/Comedy: Sweeney Todd
Best Director: Julian Schnabel, The Diving Bell and the Butterfly
Best Actor (Drama): Daniel-Day Lewis, There Will Be Blood
Best Actress (Drama): Julie Christie, Away from Her
Best Actor (M/C): Johnny Depp, Sweeney Todd
Best Actress (M/C): Marion Cotillard, La Vie En Rose
Best Supporting Actor: Javier Bardem, No Country for Old Men
Best Supporting Actress: Cate Blanchett, I'm Not There
Best Animated: Ratatouille
Best Screenplay: Ethan and Joel Coen, No Country for Old Men
Best Song: "Guaranteed," Eddie Vedder, Into the Wild
More here, not fully updated yet.)
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My thoughts on plagiarism, let me show you them. Also,
arson in Cleoville, woes.