You know how you see a movie when you're very young, and you kind of remember key parts but not much else, so when you see it as an adult it's like you've never seen it before? Yeah. One of the Encore channels has been having a Dirty Dancing marathon today. (
I carried a watermelon? )
I'd be one of the one in four, which is weird, because I used to read A LOT, but over the last couple of years, I just can't get into it at all. I have a couple of books that I've read the first few chapters of, but then I start thinking about all the other things I could be doing on the internets and do that instead, and kind of forget about the book. I keep meaning to put more time aside for reading, but I just never get around to it.
"The New Yorker," for instance, comes out almost every week, and each issue probably has more words than a "typical" book. (Obviously not more than, say, "In Search of Lost Time," but you know what I mean.)
(Oh ... and people who do those "books on tape" ... does that count as "reading" books?)
But I should go read the article instead of talking in the abstract about how people COULD be avid and broad readers without books.
(although I myself haven't been reading much for fun lately, but I suppose college can be blamed for some of that)
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