(no subject)

Dec 19, 2006 09:06

Yesterday's Horoscope of Eerie Aptness: Confusing dreams you had during the night could leave you feeling moody today.

Okay, now I'm just freaked out, because I had some superweird dreams the other night.

So we saw The Fountain, and I loved it. I mean, I didn't think it was Teh Best Movie EVAR, and I can see why it might not have been to everyone's taste. But it was pretty, and I liked the parallel imagery, and Hugh Jackman was wrenchingly good, and I loved the score, and it was pretty. (WARNING: There will probably be spoiler discussions in the comments.)

(Just for you: the best track on the soundtrack, "Death Is the Road to Awe." It's a bit long, but stay with it until the end. And if you go to an odd little offshoot of the movie's official site, Clint Mansell has donated the full version of "Stay with Me," plus each of the instrumental layers as a separate track.)

British police arrest man over prostitute murders; 2nd arrest in Britain prostitutes' case.

Gates: Failure in Iraq will haunt U.S. "On his first day as defense secretary, Robert Gates warned Monday that failure in Iraq would be a 'calamity' that would haunt the United States for years."

Norovirus eyed in Olive Garden sickness.

Publisher allegedly cited 'Jewish cabal': "In an explosive telephone argument that led to her firing, publisher Judith Regan allegedly complained of a 'Jewish cabal' against her in the book industry and stated that Jews 'should know about ganging up, finding common enemies and telling the big lie.'" I told you "macaca" was so five minutes ago.

Marijuana top US cash crop, analyst says.

Foreign medics sentenced to die in Libya HIV case. "A Libyan court sentenced five Bulgarian nurses and a Palestinian doctor to death on Tuesday for deliberately infecting hundreds of children with the virus that causes AIDS, provoking a chorus of Western condemnation."
Egg-toss prank turns deadly in Ohio.

Suspected Smart kidnapper yells at judge: "The man accused of kidnapping Elizabeth Smart from her bedroom in 2002 and holding her for nine months was again declared unfit to stand trial Monday after screaming at a judge to 'forsake those robes and kneel in the dust.'"

Yogi Bear creator Joe Barbera dies at 95.

New Orleans writers struggle to pen rebirth story.

Runner fails gender test, loses medal.

Why Teens Do Stupid Things.

TV offers competing Yule logs on Dec. 25.

Online vote says Spears worst dog owner.

Re: The Perez Hilton suit: X17 schools the LA Times.

A new still from The Other Boleyn Girl. If I had to guess, I'd say this is during one of the Henry Percy scenes.

From particle_person: New Stardust stills.

discogravy: "The Christmas Kraken, a holiday...thing... that I can't imagine you wouldn't want to know about."

the fountain

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