Y Kant Cleo Read

Sep 16, 2006 14:24

Lamictal, day 15: Haven't felt anything different today on 50 mg, but then, I slept most of the day. It's a long story that involves an interrupted sleep cycle, and really, I bore y'all enough with my health minutiae as it is, but suffice it to say, it's not medication-related.

I am having trouble concentrating again, though.

My... let's see, great-great-aunt Irene? Is coming over for dinner tonight. I forget where she actually lives--a different state, I'm pretty sure. If I had to guess, I'd say South Carolina--but this is a big event. I think she's actually my grandmother's aunt, if that tells you anything. Sister Girl's new boyfriend, of whom I approve entirely, will be here as well. Also, my hair looks fantastic.

(I got it cut last Monday. My... stylist? Is that what we're calling them now? Anyway, I've been going to her for ten years. She stepped back at one point, looked at me, and said, "You have the most perfect mouth. How did I never notice that before?" Hand to God. Let it be noted that I was wearing Victoria's Secret's Beauty Rush lip gloss in Strawberry Fizz [although their Piece of Cake is apparently their top seller and, I must add, is doubly fantastic. It actually looks three-dimensional on your lips], which I had never worn outside the house before: a little beauty secret, one of the few I actually have, from me to you.)

Since Halloween is on the way, I was possessed with an irrational need to watch Van Helsing again. I've only seen it twice, actually--once in the theater, once right after we bought the DVD. But I can't find it now. So I'm in the uncomfortable position of having to ask everyone in the house, including my aunt when she comes over tonight, "Have you seen my copy of Van Helsing? Did I lend it to you? Yes, I remember that it sucked. Look, it's not my fault I want to be Anna Valerious when I grow up. Seriously, stop looking at me like that."

lea724 is trying to find a home for two inseparable cats in the Brooklyn area: "My cousin is getting married, but his fiancee is allergic to the two cats that he has. He's trying desperately to find them a home before the end of October (when my cousin and his fiancee move in together). The cats are 16-years-old, which means that if he were to give them to an animal shelter, they'd most likely be put to sleep. They're sisters who have lived together their whole lives, so they can't be separated now. They're in very good health, spayed, declawed, indoor cats, and absolute sweethearts." Can you help? (bunnymonkey, do you know anyone who might be interested?)

thegeneralerin: The Colbert Nation overwhelms the nation of Hungary.

vkitty: "I'm not sure if you've heard but there's some kind of treaty going on to give broadcasters 50 years of copyright-like rights to whatever's being broadcasted, which apparently includes fanfiction online." Since I can't concentrate at the moment, can someone versed in this kind of thing take a look and tell me if we should be running around protesting or not? (Additional discussion.)

Also from fandom_lounge: Mattel suing over lesbian Barbie art show.

Amazing microscopic art.

An interview with Lemony Snicket, including (gasp!) a full-color photograph. Hee.

Dooce talks about relationship dealbreakers:
I also dated a guy who said he couldn’t bring himself to sleep with women who had big butts. I didn’t take that stipulation very seriously because an ass is not a physical characteristic that I will ever possess, much like boobs or manageable hair. It wasn’t until I realized that his aversion to butts was just Chapter One in his memoir The Innumerable Ways I am Out of My Fucking Mind, and by Chapter Four: I Cannot Bring Myself to Sleep With Women Who Have Vaginas, I knew that I had stumbled into the wrong section of the library, if you know what I’m saying.

There was the guy who was perfect in many ways, loved the right music, voted for the right person, said the most wonderful things when I most needed to hear them, and (and!) he was an amazing kisser.
Because there is no justice in the world, this story does not end with, "And now he dead from coke."

The husband in this letter makes me so mad. I'm not terribly impressed with the ex, either, but that the husband would say that shit to his wife, well... that would be a highly specific dealbreaker, as far as I'm concerned.

Scientologists Are Scary: A Tale in Two Parts:

1) "[Brad] Grey, who had recently joined the studio, entered the talks determined to make Cruise accept a smaller share of the gross revenues than he had from the first two installments in the franchise. (For those films, the actor reportedly took home an unheard-of 30 percent of the total revenue.) Leaving the office one night, the diminutive Grey, walking to his car in the Paramount lot, suddenly found himself surrounded by more than a dozen Scientologists, who pressured him to ease up on the actor, according to the source."

2) "In the late nineties, John Travolta furiously lobbied reluctant former Fox studio chief Bill Mechanic to produce Battlefield Earth, the science-fiction stinker based on a story by Scientology founder L. Ron Hubbard. 'He had Scientologists all over me,' Mechanic told Radar last year. 'They come up to you and they know who you are.' Despite the religion's reputation for intimidating its enemies, Mechanic, like Grey, was unswayed: 'Do you think in any way, shape, or form that weirding me out is going to make me want to make this movie?' he said." Except that it did get made. What went wrong, Bill?

Ex-child star stirs Toronto in directorial debut: "[Sarah] Polley leads the camera with a sure hand, resisting the urge to sentimentality, and coaxing performances from Christie and Pinsent that are drawing whispers of Oscar consideration." Aww, yay Sarah Polley!

Lindsay Lohan rushed to hospital with wrist fractured in two places. Now she dead from... Fashion Week. Apparently.

georgie21: Author Too Much Of A Pussy To Kill Off Characters. Which is funny enough, and then suddenly there's this awesome lateral slam near the end: "Oprah Winfrey, who was considering featuring the novel in her high-profile Oprah's Book Club, decided to drop it after determining that her viewers would 'probably not get anything out of a death-free story.'"

Polar bears drown, islands appear in Arctic thaw. Say it with me all together now... (Wait, do I not have any polar bear icons anymore?)

Dr.: Va. teen cancer patient improving with some rapidity after refusing chemo. Interesting.

From Popbitch's Old Jokes Home: A dog goes into a hardware store and says, "I'd like a job, please." The shop owner says, "We don't hire dogs, why don't you go join the circus?" The dog replies, "What would the circus want with a plumber?"

relationships, dolls, omgwtfpolarbear, van helsing, depression, makeup, movies, books, family, writing, animals, tv

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