(no subject)

Mar 31, 2005 15:49

Y'all, I think I'm going to cry. We've been having awful thunderstorms the last couple of weeks, and of course I have to sit around and twiddle my thumbs with the major appliances off when that happens, because (as you will recall), I just lost a DVD player to a power surge (and yes, it was plugged into a surge protector. That was the one where 10,000 people in town lost power, if you're local and remember the headlines), and we have previously lost a TV and another DVD player to lightning strikes as well.

So today it's wet but sunny, and I'm working on the book and all, and--the power goes out. For an hour. I lose my work (not much), and my monitor starts fritzing out. It takes me another half hour to coax it back to life. It's like I can't win, no matter what.

P.S. For some reason, the last line of this article really did make me start crying.
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