As I just said on Twitter, I keep forgetting that chronic health issues are chronic and that I can't just wait them out. "Oh, I feel like shit today, I'll post/work/exercise once the aches and/or pains and/or anxieties have let up." And then they just... don't, and another four weeks have slipped by. In fact, I'm typing this straight into the "new
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I've been following you for ages (under many a name) - probably 10 years. Haha wow that's a long time.
I am high functioning autistic 25 year old woman. I've been in many a study for autism - no seriously. the state I'm in does TONS of them.
And yes, they have found that fear motivates autistics more than success. I was in that study and oh man I hated it.
I can also tell you that some people do take offense at the functioning labels. Not many, mostly some people on tumblr. I'll go into more detail, but not right at this moment. lol chronic fatigue + illness I hate you.
Anyway, I'm in the autism culture. If you need ANY and I mean ANY questions answered about it, please contact me (ravenclawriot at tumblr, I am apparently LOCKED OUT OF LJ for now - or clawsthatcatch on dreamwidth. I can give you my personal email address through those if you'd really like.)
Like, there's an actual difference through how autism presents between males and females. And yes, its INCREDIBLY common for ladies to get diagnosed later - I was diagnosed at 11 because my family has tons of psych issues so my mom knew something was up with me. My wife just got diagnosed last year, and that was only because I was like "UH HONEY YOU GOTS THE AUTISM. GO GET TESTED"
And yeah, now that I'm thinking back on your posts, it totally makes sense.
P.S. apologies if these words don't make sense or sound weird - I have a very rare (0.5%) side effect from a medication I take that causes aphasia.
I can probably grab you on Tumblr, though, if I think of something to ask--thanks!
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