Why Creativity Stalled...

Apr 07, 2021 21:42

Been dealing with some things in life of late...several medical things...including I hurt my foot some how, and may have to get a MRI to see if I didn't tear a tendon in it. X_X Though I don't remember doing anything that could have caused the injury..but i can barely walk on it...and not without a lot of pain...

But the medical stuff makes it hard to sit in front of the computer for long periods...I even bought an ottoman as a foot stool/foot rest, but it doesn't help for long periods either...

I am also dealing with the loss of my kitten Mystic. I am still not ready to talk about what happened. Don't think I ever will be....But the tenth of April will make it a full month since not having her here anymore...

So yeah, been feel all sad, stressed and pained, so that doesn't make for good energy to write stories, OR the desire to want to work on my art. Though I do want to get back to both. I was looking through my art folders the other night, feeling nosltagic and sad that I didn't really do anything for MArch. Did I get even one pic done? I seem to think the pic I might have posted at the start of MArch, was mostly colored in February...(Which was probably a friends only post...)

I've been meaning to play video games more, since I have to take a lot of breaks from the computer, but mostly I end up falling asleep instead. It sucks...Like yesterday I had eight pages of a translation I was doing but the foot was shooting pain up my leg past my knee, to the point I was like screw it, and got my kindle, and went to bed...rather than try to ignore the pain and finish the story's translation.

real life

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