The adoption/first day with Mystic

Aug 06, 2020 04:47

Okay so my mom was originally gonna drive me over at 9:30 a.m. for the 11 a.m. appointment. However before she came over, I had entered the address into my phone's GPS, and it said it was only a seven minute ride from me. So i was like maybe you should come over at 10...wanted to live with a lot of time left over for mistakes, cause my mom is NOT a good driver. We got there at like 10:22 and I just sat in the car till 10:55.

So they take my temp, and get me my pet adoption counselor. I had printed out pics of the four kittens I was interested in meeting, all black. however she first show me a tiger grey one, a two month old who she said was the friendliest of the two month olds. She said the two month old black kittens are very anti social towards humans. So I asked about the two five month olds. One is VERY scared and shy around people, but the counselor lit up when I asked about the other one. TUrns out that kitten (Whose name was Latte) was her favorite, that if her 17 year old cat would have allowed it, she would have adopted Latte herself.

So she brings in the kitty. And right away, she was on me purring. i guess I am too easy to please, cause I melted and decided I wanted her. Unfortunately...she got traumatized by the car ride home. Okay first all, they said the kittens had been exposed to ringworm, but that she had not tested positive for it. however they gave her a lime dip sulfur bath before sending her home with me. So she was upset over that, but then she also got shots (Distemper and maybe something else.) and a flea and tick treatment. So I had a very grumpy baby, who I think got really upset by the fact my mom took over an hour to get us home. She drive through four different cities, before we finally got to my apartment. X_X

I had orginally wanted to film Mystic coming out of the carrier, but honestly felt she was too upset to delay letting her out long enough for me to work the phone. So I let her out, and she took off for the bedroom and hide under the bed. Though it turns out she prefers hiding and sleepign in my nightstand. Hasn't really explored the cat cube bed...she went in it once, but much later.

So went to walmart to get more supplies for her. The humane society gave me a bag of cat food and two wet cans, but I wanted to have another bag to mix. Though i don't plan to start introducing her to the new food just yet...i didn't want anymore change for her.

At one point I thought she was eating, cause I thought I could hear her crunching dry food....I had put the dish and water bowl next to the cat bed, and even moved the litter box into the room, since at first she was TOO scared to really leave the bedroom.

Well...that noise got louder, and i got up to look and oh my goodness, she had knocked over the IAMs bag of food from walmart, and was trying to tear it open! XD I gave her more of the sciene diet from the humane society. But she turned into a meowing machine but wouldn't let me get near her at first.

But then when I got up to get some blue berries, she came to the bedroom door to watch me and meow. So i set aside the berries, and started talking softly and every minute or so inching closer and she did not run away! Not until I got really close...

Also you got to understand, this apartment is more space than she is used to. She is used to being in a kitten room the size of my bathroom with two other kittens. So i think all this space to roam overwhelmed her.

Well complain a thon 2020 started, and I kept coming back to try and talk to her...and at some point I figured it out...she would get scared when I stood or moved, but when i laid on my bed, with my arm dangling off, she let me pet her! Victory! So I got some petting in. She tested me by giving a gentle love bite to the wrist, and I didnt react, so I think that made her trust me more.

At one point I made a four minute video of her. I got her eating and drinking and rolling around. She went crazy at the end, and freaked me out, cause she tried to scale the tall dresser, which is how I think my Platina hurt her paw in the first place. I actually got her failing at the jump/climb on video, and then she flew (out of frame though) and tried to get on the bed, and failed at that, and ran widly around the house. i literally cursed out loud at the end of the video, not angrily, more like laughing holy shit.

Then I took a 42 second vido, but it was mostly her rolling on empty laundry bags.

Soon she was coming to me more and more. Like when I went to the kitchen, before I even got the food out, she came to rub against me feet and legs, and get petted. THen I made sandwich while she explored the living room. She cries a lot, and around 10 it got quiet, so i figured I should go to bed too...I woke up at three, she was still quiet, but as soon as I gout out of bed, she started following me around, mewoing and rubbing, and wanting petting. She is gonna cause me to fall, cause she wasn't letting me take a single step, without winding around my legs! :O

When I bent over to pet her, my hair was loose (Had it in a pony tail during the day cause the summer is too hot for loose!) and she saw all that long hair, and started purring and batting at it. i cleaned her box, gave her fresh food and water, and lots of talking and petting, but she was still whining. I went and opened up one of her new toys, and gave her a catnip mouse, which she loved. I don't know if the catnip affected her or not, cause Ive always heard it doesn't have the same effect on kittens as it does grown cats.

She already lost it though...

Also before bed, around five pm, I got an email. The humane society had sent her info to some pet insurance place and i got a free trial for 30 days of illness and accidents. But I also added wellness to my plan, to cover dental and regular exams and shots and blood work. I called the place up though, cause I had questions, cause I never had pet insurance before, and got a nice man name Rob who was very friendly and very patient as he explained things. So now I have coverage in case something god forbid happens.

Around nine, the humane society sent me an app, and username and password, where I can fill out surveys. i filled one about the adoption process, and one that lets them know how Mystic's first day home went. :)

Hmm...I don't know if she has like a scab or something on the side of her neck. I am feeling something on the one side when I pet her. She did finally get on my bed briefly, but I think she didn't like the feel of the fan blowing on her, cause she went back to the floor right away.

I'm hoping I can get a shower in in a few minutes. I also think I got heat exhuastion or heat stroke from the car ride, cause I was feeling pretty sick by the time I got the cat supplies upstairs. I got seven dollars worth of toys, and she has six diffrent things. I got her a purple and gray collar, but don't want to traumatize her any time soon with the collar. I got a brush/comb. And a new scoop for the litter box. I already had a brand new litter box, and the bed at home. Got the litter, and got more food.

It was a very busy day! I will be glad to stay home tomorrow and just bond! If my neighbor tries to push his way over tomorrow, I will set a boundary and flat out tell him I am not introducing her to new people yet, as she is still adjusting and needs time to feel safe.

My mom said she would look to see if she still had this cat toy, it is a track, that circles in on itself, so they can bat a ball around. I am not sure if I have it, but she thinks it might be in the closet if Dennis didn't throw it out on her.

Also put away my custom made Voltron and VP dolls, as she was eying to scale the tallest bookcase, which is what those dolls were on, and I could already imagine her getting hrut, and the dolls being knocked down in the process and breaking. So i boxed them up, and put them in the closet!

She's microchipped already, spayed, and had a lot of shots. They said she had three distemper shots, but that the vet might make a case for wanting to give her a fourth...

And the kitchen alarm that got fixed last week has started randomly I hope that isn't too upsetting. oh i forgot, they started construction again on my floor, just in time to birng her home to some kind of loud drilling or saw...T_T I think that is why she stayed quiet all that time...until after five when they had left for the day. My poor baby! So much noise to traumatize her. =/

real life

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