Not Even Britney

Jul 27, 2010 14:42

Title: Not Even Britney
Pairing(s)/Character(s): Bradley/Colin
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Colin has an unexpected visitor at the airport.
Warnings: Sickly-sweet fluff? Is that a warning? ;D
Word count: ~500
Disclaimer: This is 100% fiction, sadly has nothing at all to do with the actual Colin Morgan or Bradley James, and is not intended to cause offence.
Author's notes: Written for the lovely cinnatart  because she was feeling poorly & asked for distractions.

 “OI! COLS!!”

Colin whipped around as he heard his name bellowed through the airport lounge, and spotted a rather flushed Bradley jogging towards him. And apparently being trailed by a beefy member of airport security who was glaring menacingly at the back of Bradley’s head. Colin’s jaw dropped.

“Bradley?” Colin whispered fiercely as Bradley moved close enough to hear, “What the hell are you doing here? And how the hell did you get through Security?!”

Bradley glanced nervously over his shoulder at the man following him, then turned back to Colin with a goofy grin.

“Had to see you off, didn’t I? And the nice lady at Security let me through as soon as I explained that my boyfriend was leaving and it was a matter of life and death. She giggled and pinched my cheek, actually. But I had to be accompanied by this gentleman, just in case I was planning to abscond with a plane or something.”

Colin rolled his eyes in amusement but started to grin too, which turned into a genuine smile when Bradley grabbed his hand & intertwined their fingers, stroking his thumb across his knuckles.

“Gonna miss you,” Bradley mumbled quietly, and Colin’s smile turned distinctly soppy.

“I’m only going to gone for a couple of days, you silly fool. I’ll be back before you know it.” Bradley started to pout dramatically, so he quickly added, “But I’ll miss you too, of course! California has nothing on Bradley James.”

“S’not what Katy Perry says,” Bradley muttered.

Colin laughed, “You are so odd, sometimes. What have I told you about listening to pop tartlets and taking their words as gospel, Mr James? Huh?”

Bradley looked mutinous, “Don’t do it?”

“That’s right,” he chuckled, “Not even Britney. And as a reward for your ongoing fortitude.” Colin cupped the back of Bradley’s neck with his free hand and pulled him close for a long, luxurious kiss. As they broke apart, Bradley pecked him on the lips once more before disentangling their hands and reaching for his back pocket.

“Here,” he said quietly, fastening something around Colin’s right wrist, “So those California girls don’t make you forget all about me.”

Colin looked at the dark-beaded bracelet and then up at his boyfriend, “Bradley, I could never forget about you. Even if I met a million California girls. I love you, you idiot."

Bradley beamed, “Good. And ditto, Cols.” He looked uncomfortable for a moment before continuing, “And can you leave your hair like that all weekend? I like knowing that my fingers have run through it and that the fangirls have absolutely no idea.” He grinned cheekily.

“Sure,” Colin sighed with a smile, “But you know, I’m pretty damn sure the fangirls know exactly what’s going on.”

rps, fic, bradley/colin

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