New Challenge Date February 5, 2007

Feb 02, 2007 14:51

So a couple of us are going to start a new challenge and try and win! Wanna join us?  we are starting on Monday so you still have the weekend to go and buy groceries and plan your workouts and meals......! Come on you know you want to look awesome in 3 months.  Ready to look HAWT for summer?

Here is my icon from 2 years ago when i was at my bestfitness ever.  i am now 10 pounds heavier and less toned but i will turn that around. 
I just met  fit_longings e_kickand we both are ready to start kicking some ass on Monday.  What's your story and do you want to join in our BFL chapter?  I plan to post at least every other day and keep track of my progress that way, also will hold some acountabilty for me to stay on track.

cross posted to bodyforlife
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