Lila Journal

Jun 23, 2008 12:50

My new favorite sentence structure ala Lila Rose:

I like it, the shirt.  I like it, the juice.

My new not-so-favorite phrase:

I don't like it.

This happens upon seeing something, not on actually trying it.  Ugh!  Yesterday, all I could get her to eat was half a waffle with peanut butter, some apple sauce, crackers, and cheese.  Oh, and juice and milk.  She drinks way more than she eats.

She suddenly HATES the bath, too.  Just all of the sudden, it takes two: one to hold the screaming, fighting girl in the tub and one to do a quick wash.

And she won't let me go anywhere.  Today was the first day I had to leave her at daycare Mary's house screaming for me.  I tried for 20 minutes to get her to let go of me and go eat breakfast with Cole, and she just climbed up farther and hung around my neck.  I have no idea what's going on.  It's sad and frustraiting.

She's also been very hard to get down for a nap.  It ends up being a late nap, followed by grumpiness, followed by wanting to stay up until 9-10:00 at night.  I wish I could read that little brain....


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