Jan 31, 2006 09:53
so i got up this morning before stef for the first time this semester i think. all of my classes are late, so for once i had to try and be quiet. but nonetheless, i made my promised cinnamon rolls for breakfast, and they were ready in time for the 8 am class kids (stef and em). yay for making breakfast in the kitchen!!
then i had 3 hours to do nothing. so i've been trying to study the protista stuff that my quiz will be on. but its hard.
here is what i remember::
(axostyla) - trichonymphs
(retortamonda)- diplomonads
(euglenozoa) - euglenoids and trypanosomes
(phaephyta) - brown algae
(oomcyta) - water molds
(bacilloriophyta) - diatoms
(actinopods) - actinopods
(foraminifera) - forams
(rhizopoda) - amoebae
(myxomycota) - plasmodial slime molds
these stupid names! it would help if i could pronounce some of them. oh well, lowest diversity quiz is dropped. it might just be this one.
i'm excited about decorating and apt!
i realized that i'll be turning 20 in 8 months and 22 days. scary as hell. i dont want to be 20!!
i also dont want to fail organic chemistry. this sucks.
i have to write a portfolio entry for british lit about what i want to do as a career and why. i know what i want to do as of now, and i just wish i didnt change my mind all the time. but yeah, pediatric oncology at the moment.
oh, and i got more paperwork done for perimeter this summer. i think i might take organic II instead of physics. in a minimester. someone help me.
well i should find something more productive to do. i have class in 55 minutes. and we're dissecting sharks today in bio lab. hope everyone has a great day!!!