Mar 03, 2004 00:02
What a dull day. I could see the gloominess of the day and had a feeling that rain would be coming soon, but the weather was warm and I wasn't as sad as it would have been if it were cold and rainy. I thought I escaped the crazy rain in when I moved away from Washington, but it seems to follow me around. Sun follows me around as well, I don't know how to make sense of it, but when I visit back home it rains the day before I get there and the day that I leave. I guess I just brighten my mom's life so much that I bring the sun with me, sike. I love you mom and miss you soooooooooo much! I sat through classes and waited for the clock to roll around to 4:45 so that I could see my one and only with his curly hair and big smile! Then some more excitement came when I got to go study in the library. However, preceding my trip to the librarrr, Rick came over to wait for Debra to take him home. She was painting her nails and he was growing very impatient. Then he had to wait for her to get dressed, only to ruin her nailpolish and have to remove it. Haha, so he tried to drag me outside and she tried to hold me down on the couch with her elbows and they got in this whole domestically violent yelling spat and I was just laughing hysterically. Those two need to get married. Back to the library; at the library, I served as the where is "so and so" function. It was quite amusing. I got some studying done, but I think I'm way too tired to comprehend anything at this moment. So I'm writing this journal and hope to hop into bed soon.
Currently I'm missing my mom a lot. She is the most magnificent person I know. She is someone I would like to model and try to model myself after. Her characteristics and personality can't be compared too. She is beautiful, as she is often referred to as my sister or college friend and I soooo hope to carry on that gene and look 20 when I'm 40. Her intelligence is a rocket, I mean, she received a degree from Maryland with english as a second language and was able to maintain a 4.0. All this while having a husband and an elementary aged daughter to take care of. She is also very straightforward and not fake. I can't stand fake people, but my mom tells you everything as it is. Sometimes she can be a little blunt, but if you can't take it then that's your fault because she doesn't mean anything but benefits to you by it. My friends like to rave about her fashion sense. She knows whats in style when and where. I very much appreciate my shopping days with her because she can pick out what looks good on me as well as buying herself clothes that she can pull off unlike other "I want to look young women" who try too hard. That and who doesn't like when their mom takes them shopping! My mom also has a lot of faith, confidence, pride, trust, respect, and multiple other things in me. I appreciate that I have a mom that provides me with everything I need physically and emotionally because as independent as I can be, I can't do everything on my own. And though she isn't funny, her ability to make me laugh is like no other. I can't even explain it, you must experience the ab workout she can give you, its killer and well worth it! Most of all, my mom's faith in Christ is most supreme over all. She is the most devoted Christian that I know and I aspire to be more like her. I can see why God put her on earth and I hope her goodness is able to shine through to everyone that encounters her. Basically summed up I LOVE YOU MOM and no one is better than you!
love to Will too! a&f