Mar 02, 2006 07:40
For a cute summation of an event yesterday, see amourvrai's lj. Shakespeare is getting crazier, and I had to spend rehearsal yesterday in the goddamn lighting booth with Aaron, a mid-twenties guy who claims he got a degree in "keg-tapping." Snow day today, for no reason it seems...not that I have a problem with that.
Vacation in St. Barth's was a lot of fun - amazing (if expensive) food, perfect weather, lots of books, beautiful beaches, Olympic figure skating, and a season of Law and Order. By the end of the week, my sister and I were singing the theme all the time...very annoying. The show is fun, though slow, and Jerry Orbach and Jesse L. Martin rock my world. Oh and there were topless/nude people on the beach, mostly old. 'Twas really amusing/awkward for those of us in bathing suits. Julia and I had a great time together and got pretty tan.
So yeah...not much and too much going on at the same time. I'm excited for New Plays tomorrow night! Btw, so happy for you, Pigeon! I hope it goes the way you want it to!