shkrobius поднял любопытную
тему изображения или, точнее, неизображения самоубийств. Кроме достаточно стандартных и сильно эротизированных Клеопатр, Офелий и Лукреций он привел пример самоубийства Саула, изображенного Брейгелем. Мой ответ - изначально задуманный как комментарий к его записи - перерос допустимые пределы, посему помещаю его отдельной записью.
Библейских или античных сюжетов с самоубийством множество (каждому сюжету предшествует классификация по Iconclass):
71H3222 Saul kills himself with a sword
71H3223 Saul's armour-bearer kills himself
71H8422 Ahitophel hangs himself
71K252 Omri, Elah's army commander, attacks Zimri in the city of Tirzah; when Zimri sees that the city has fallen he sets the palace on fire and dies in the flames
71Z42 death of Razis: when Nicanor's troops attack the gate of Jerusalem, the old Razis throws himself from the wall down into the crowd; severely wounded, he takes his entrails in both hands and flings them at the crowd (2 Maccabees 14:37-46)
73D343 Judas hanging himself
73F25362 suicide of Egeas
73F28612 suicide of Hirtacus
94A3221 Cleite, wife to Cyzicus, hangs herself
94B161211 Antigone hangs herself in her tomb
94B161213 Haemon kills himself
94B1613 Eurydice, wife of Creon, kills herself on hearing of Haemon's death
94B1621 the dead champions are buried: Evadne, Capaneus' wife, throws herself on her husband's funeral pyre
94G63 suicide of Ajax
94H1222 Paris' death and burial; Oenone kills herself
94M37 Theseus' ship, with black sails, approaches Athens; Aegeus casts himself into the sea
94T331 the sphinx throws itself from the rock ~ Oedipus solving the riddle
94T3441 Jocasta hangs herself
95A(CINYRAS)68 death of Cinyras: Cinyras kills himself when he realizes that he has committed incest with his daughter Myrrha
95A(IPHIS)68 death of Iphis, a youth of Salamis: desperate for the love of Anaxarete he hangs himself at her door
95A(PYRAMUS & THISBE)23 Pyramus finds the bloody veil and in despair stabs himself with his sword (the scene may be situated near a fountain)
95A(PYRAMUS & THISBE)241 Thisbe kills herself with Pyramus' sword (the scene may be represented near a fountain)
95B(CANACE)68 death of Canace: she kills herself with the sword sent by her father
95B(CECROPS' DAUGHTERS)68 death of the Cecropides: terrified at seeing the serpent-shaped Erichthonius, they throw themselves down from the Acropolis
95B(ERIGONE)68 death of Erigone: she hangs herself
95B(HERO & LEANDER)22 the drowned Leander is borne away, usually by Nereids, towards Hero; the latter possibly jumps to her death into the sea
95B(INO)68 death of Ino: she leaps with Melicertes from a rock into the sea, to escape Athamas
95B(LAODAMIA)68 death of Laodamia: when her father burns the statue she throws herself into the flames and perishes
95B(MARPESSA)2211 Evenus, in desperation, after killing his horses throws himself into the river that bears his name
95B(PHAEDRA)68 death of Phaedra: after the death of Hippolytus, she hangs herself
95B(PHYLLIS)68 death of Phyllis: desperate at the delay of her lover, she hangs herself or throws herself into the sea
95B(SCYLLA)681 Scylla throws herself into the sea
96B332 death of Dido; she climbs the funeral pyre and falls upon the sword of Aeneas
96B8333 the Trojans attack Laurentium; Amata hangs herself
96C(METIUS CURTIUS)68 death of Metius Curtius, the Sabine general: when pursued on horseback by Romulus he jumps into a swamp
97AA6 Phyllis changed into an almond-tree: after having killed herself in despair for Demophon's absence, Phyllis is changed into an almond-tree
97B2 Ajax' blood changed into a hyacinth: after Ajax has taken his own life, his blood is changed into a hyacinth (Ovid, Metamorphoses X 207; XIII 390)
97D11 Aesacus changed into a diving bird: in despair for having caused the death of Hesperia (or Asterope), Aesacus throws himself into the sea and is changed into a diving bird by Tethys (Ovid, Metamorphoses XI 783)
97D16 Cygnus, son of Apollo, changed into a swan: because his friend Phil(l)ius refused to give him the bull captured by the help of Hercules, Cycnus, the son of Apollo, leaps off a cliff, and is changed into a swan (Ovid, Metamorphoses VII 371)
97D19 Daedalion changed into a hawk: while leaping from a cliff, crazed by the death of his daughter Chione, Daedalion is changed into a hawk by Apollo (Ovid, Metamorphoses XI 339)
97D25 Nisus changed into a fish-hawk: when killing himself after having been betrayed by his daughter Scylla, Nisus is changed into a fish-hawk (Ovid, Metamorphoses VIII 145)
97EE1 Arachne changed into a spider: when hanging herself after having been defeated in a weaving contest with Minerva, Arachne is changed into a spider by the goddess (Ovid, Metamorphoses VI 135)
98B(CATO THE YOUNGER)68 death of Marcus Porcius Cato the Younger surnamed Uticensis: he stabs himself on his couch, after reading Plato's Phaedo; he may be seen tearing out his entrails
98B(CHARONDAS)68 death of Charondas, lawgiver of Thurium: he kills himself because he inadvertently broke his own law, by carrying a sword in the assembly
98B(CYRUS)41 Spargapises, Tomyris' son, is tricked by Cyrus into partaking of a feast; when his men appear to have been slaughtered by Cyrus in their drunken sleep, he kills himself
98B(DEMOCLES)68 death of Democles: he throws himself into a cauldron of boiling water rather than submit to the love of the tyrant Demetrius
98B(EMPEDOCLES)68 death of Empedocles: the philosopher leaps into the crater of Etna
98B(JUBELLIUS TAUREA, T.)68 death of T. Jubellius Taurea: he courageously kills his wife and children, and finally himself, before the tribunal of Fulvius Flaccus, to show that he prefers to die rather than benefit from the clemency of the Senate
98B(MARK ANTONY)68 death of Mark Antony: he dies after having stabbed himself: Cleopatra grieves at his bedside
98B(MITHRIDATES)68 death of Mithridates the Great: after having been betrayed by his son Pharnaces, he and his wife Hypsicratea commit suicide
98B(PLAUTIUS)68 death of Plautius: at the death of his wife Orestilla, Plautius in despair stabs himself with his sword; his body is put on the pyre of his wife
98B(SARDANAPALUS)68 death of Sardanapalus: before burning himself in his palace with all his treasures, he has his harem and his horses killed
98B(SENECA)68 death of Seneca: at Nero's order he cuts his veins, usually sitting in a basin or bath of water, and then takes a dose of poison
98B(VARUS, P.Q.)68 death of P. Quintilius Varus: after being defeated he kills himself with a sword
98C(ARRIA)68 death of Arria: to show her husband how to die she stabs herself and hands her husband the dagger with the words 'Paete non dolet'
98C(CLEOPATRA)68 death of Cleopatra: she commits suicide by holding to her breast an asp, which she has taken from a basket of figs
98C(HARMONIA)68 death of Harmonia, daughter of Gelon of Syracuse: to save Harmonia, a girl dressed in her robes is substituted for her and is exposed to the swords of the enemy; Harmonia cannot bear the sight of it and has herself killed too
98C(HASDRUBAL'S WIFE)68 death of Hasdrubal's wife: she throws herself and her two children into the flames of the temple of Aesculapius, which she had set on fire, to show her contempt at her husband's surrender to Scipio
98C(HIPPO)68 death of Hippo: upon being ravished, she kills herself by jumping from the ship
98C(LUCRETIA)68 death of Lucretia: she commits suicide by stabbing herself
98C(PANTHEA)68 death of Panthea: after the death of her husband Abradates, Panthea stabs herself with a dagger; Cyrus may be trying to stop her
98C(PORCIA)68 death of Porcia: after her husband has killed himself Porcia stuffs her mouth with burning coal
98C(SAPPHO)68 death of Sappho: the poetess, desperate for the love of Phaon, throws herself from the Leucadian rock
Подобрать изображения на все эти сюжеты я, естественно, не возьмусь, ограничусь примерами. Самубийство Иуды встречается в манускриптах (
Saint-Germain-des-Prés (Paris), Der Stuttgarter Bibelpsalter, um 820/830, Handschrift & Text, Stuttgart, Württembergische Landesbibliothek, Cod.Bibl.fol.23.), равно как и самоубийство Ахитофела (
Bayern, Weltchronik - Bruder Philipp, 1301/1400, Sammelhandschrift, Stuttgart, Württembergische Landesbibliothek, HB XIII 6.).
К эротизированным Лукрециям и Клеопатрам я бы еще добавил Дидон (
Тома Бланше, Париж, 1614 - Лион, 1689; Дижон, музей изобразительных искусств;
Огюстен Кайо, Париж, 1667 - Париж, 1722; Париж, Лувр). Впрочем, эротизация сюжета зависит от времени создания в большей степени нежели от самого сюжета: вот, для сравнения, еще одна Дидона, на этот раз середины пятнадцатого века (
Неизвестный художник сиенской школы, Авиньон).
Мужские самоубийства тоже встречаются - Катон Утический, к примеру (
Джованни Баттиста Ланджетти; Генуя 1625 - Венеция 1675, музей изобразительных искусств По,
Филипп-Лоран Ролан; Понт-а-Мар 1746 - Париж 1816; Париж, Лувр). Плюс
Пирам и Фисба,