John McCain has selected Alaska Governor Sarah Palin as his Vice President (
I can't stand Romney. I can't stand Lieberman. But both of these people would have been better VP choices than Sarah Palin.
Romney comes across as a hard-hitter with serious business credentials. Lieberman comes across as a bi-partisan party elder with pro-war values. Palin, on the other head, sounds like an airhead on every topic.
Sarah Palin has nothing to offer the Republican nomination. She has less foreign policy experience than Obama and she doesn't even know what a Vice President does (
link). She's styled herself as a "soccer mom"--and is every bit as nagging and ignorant as one. She's not exactly the kind of person you'd want to be around, ever. She's pro-life. Let me say that again--she's pro-life. McCain just flushed his "more experience" credential down the toilet. Moreover, McCain just flushed anything appealing about his candidacy down the toilet.
Most importantly, Biden is going to wipe the floor with Palin. Biden is quick on his feet, affable, hilarious and brilliant. I'm stunned by how badly McCain wants to lose the election.
Pro-tip, Senator McCain: sandy vagina does not cancel out articulate black man.