Book Squeeing!

Apr 14, 2013 00:13

First, I must blame greyvalley for getting the song "Kokomo" by the Beach Boys stuck in my head. It's not summer yet but I feel like sitting out on a beach with a drink.
But to the topic at hand: Books.
I went to my university library this week (it's about two minutes away from my office, being that I'm two buildings away) to take out Proinsias Mac Cana's Celtic Mythology.They have most of the Irish things all mixed in so I was browsing in my two common sections before going to one I hadn't seen before to get Rees' Celtic Heritage.

Then I saw them.

Irish Wild Plants: Myths, Legends and Folklore by Niall Mac Coitir. (Talk about good timing for what I've been doing lately!)


The Fairy-Faith in Celtic Countries by W.Y. Evans-Wentz. (I know this is on Sacred Texts but I prefer my books in a tangible form, if possible.)

As well as a book on Medieval Irish songs, one that looks like a cutesy sort of book about fairies and another I can't remember at the moment. It's at work still and I'll just grab it when I'm done with these two.

So happy. And, being an administrator, I get to keep them until August. Total score.

squee, books, paganism

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