I've been collecting herbs for a number of years now, though they've been in my room in tiny ziplock baggies. Needless to say, I started to realize that it may not be the best way of storing them. So, with the upcoming lesson with the Pagans Club, I started to organize things. A few pictures to go along with this post!
I have three big jars (8.5 oz) that come with wooden spoons. Right now, I have my hawthorn in there because I just have so much! (There's a little jar with hawthorn too.) The others are wintergreen and spearmint, which I use a lot in incense and cooking. Six more of these wonderful little jars are coming from
13Moons.com, along with a few more ounces of herbs I haven't gotten a chance to get yet. They're in my state and super speedy at shipping (shipped the same day I placed the order!). Will rave about them some more later on.
Went to Etsy for these 3 oz jars from
Witch Sisters. They were beyond generous and these tiny little bottles are super cute. I ended up getting quite a few from them and probably will get some more as time goes on, especially for my berries as I never have them in abundance. Except for the rowan berries which I managed to obtain... I may have a good number of those.
Most of my herbs I also get from
Mountain Rose Herbs, and I grow a few. Hopefully, once I get a moment to breathe, I can start the herb garden I wanted to do this spring. I tried to use my office, but they turn off the heat when there are no classes in session and it's just a bad environment to grow things like that.
(Please ignore the boxes - I was packing up things I don't use anymore.)
That's a picture of all my herb bottles to date. I'm sure I'll get a bunch more as time goes on and my knowledge of herbs continues to grow. For the moment, I tried to get herbs I've used before and know a bit about.
Along with these, I also acquired some beeswax, tiny tins, various types of base oil (apricot kernel, grapeseed, jojoba, etc.) and glass jars to start using these herbs in more ways than one. At the moment, I'm double-infusing comfrey in oil to make a balm for my chronically aching ankle. I must say - having herbs and oil in jars looks almost as bad as little baggies of herbs lying around! But, when it is all done, I will be a happy Dearcán!