still human ; for baufatherfigure

Jun 18, 2011 01:09

[It's late when Reid finishes writing the case reports and finally turns his attention away from the stack of paperwork on his desk. He glances at his watch, but doesn't have to check Hotch's office to know that the unit chief still hasn't left. He pauses, hesitates -- then, instead of collecting his things and going home, he gets two cups of ( Read more... )

roleplay, verse: cat and mouse!verse, ilu hotch

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baufatherfigure June 17 2011, 23:28:53 UTC
[With a glance up from probably the fourth file on his desk that day, Aaron blinks and sees Reid standing there in the doorway with those two cups of coffee and the muffin. He puts down the pen and offers the young profiler a small smile, leaning back in his chair. He's surprised, to say the least.]

Hey. What're you still doing here?


cleithrophobic June 17 2011, 23:57:34 UTC
I had a mountain of paperwork to do. [Reid nods slowly before he returns the smile with a faint one of his own, stepping inside.]

You look like you still have some reports to write.


baufatherfigure June 18 2011, 00:07:34 UTC
I do. May be here for a long while tonight. [The disgust on his face is evident for about an interval of thirty seconds before it melts away and leaves the blank mask he's placed up for so many years.] But I'll survive.

You here to watch? I don't mind, really.


cleithrophobic June 18 2011, 00:32:46 UTC
Not as much 'watch' as... make sure you're properly caffeinated.

[Reid offers one of the cups and the muffin to Hotch, then pulls a chair up to take a seat. Keeping him company right now seems like a good idea -- or it'd just be Aaron, alone with his thoughts.]

When was the last time you got more than an hour or two of sleep, Hotch?


baufatherfigure June 18 2011, 00:39:52 UTC
[He takes the cup of coffee and the muffin with a slight nod of thanks. It's a hell of a lot better than the whiskey he'd find somewhere down the corner of the street and everything. With a rub of his head and a long drink of that coffee Reid offers him, Hotch glances up at the genius with dazed eyes.]

Give or take? Maybe a month.

[He's not kidding. He's beginning to get dark circles under his eyes. Not. Good.]


zzzz might fall asleep on you soon. I'M USUALLY A PRETTY FAST TAGGER. /o\ cleithrophobic June 18 2011, 01:22:00 UTC
Sleep deprivation adversely affects the brain and cognitive function. [Spencer looks concerned. Is concerned.] I'd try to convince you to go home and rest and finish the paperwork tomorrow-- but something tells me that wouldn't work.


As is I. I've just been distracted lately. baufatherfigure June 18 2011, 05:48:10 UTC
Going home tonight isn't exactly an option. I really need to get these finished. If anything, I'll take a nap on the couch. [Here, he gestures to the other papers on his desk and takes a piece of the muffin before picking his pen back up and glancing down at the papers. He glances back up at Spencer, though, blinking.] I mean, I can get this stuff done tonight, and- who knows. Maybe take the day off tomorrow.


getting back into my old sleep routine. I'll probably be faster now after sleeping properly T_T cleithrophobic June 18 2011, 07:49:49 UTC
You'll actually take the day off, and not just say that you will? [Reid's heard that one before. 'Maybe' taking the day off doesn't mean taking the day off. The genius feels pretty helpless; he wants to do something for Hotch, but can't.] You're wearing yourself out. Can you really... keep this up for much longer?


I need less sleep and a better sleeping schedule. baufatherfigure June 18 2011, 15:55:33 UTC
I haven't cracked yet. [Hotch offers him a dry smile, shrugging a little and beginning to put the finishing touches on this file he's been working on- slowly- for the last four hours. He's writing slower than usual, grabbing the coffee in an effort to get his second wind.] Maybe I will go home and sleep. I don't know yet. I'll tell you when you find me face-first on the desk.


five hours of sleep every night works fine for me, hurrhurr. cleithrophobic June 18 2011, 20:57:35 UTC
I'm surprised that you haven't started microsleeping.

That you haven't cracked yet doesn't necessarily mean that you won't, eventually. [And Spencer doesn't want to see that happen. Not again.] What you're doing to yourself, Hotch-- you're wearing yourself out completely.


sounds exactly like me, rofl baufatherfigure June 19 2011, 03:12:48 UTC
I'll get sleep after I finish this paperwork, capture Foyet, and make sure he goes away forever. [In the process of slowly and surely getting a semi-second wind and feeling more and more exhausted, Hotch scribbles out his signature on the form and puts it aside before rubbing his forehead. His face contorts into one of pain for a moment before coming back to his senses.]

...maybe I'll get an aspirin or something too.


playing Haskell isn't good for me. Two nights in a row I've dreamed about running from the cops. wtf cleithrophobic June 19 2011, 09:26:38 UTC
... No one can possibly take that, Hotch. This.

[Reid puts his cup down on the desk, then shifts his eyes back up to Aaron. Hotch won't rest until he's managed to track down Foyet, Spencer knows this. Even if it means that he destroys himself in the process.]

Not even you.


BAD BAD BAD. baufatherfigure June 19 2011, 16:24:27 UTC

[Spencer was right. He wouldn't be able to take much more of this before finally snapping and completely losing it. Before losing himself to the case and away from everyone. From Jack. From Reid. He finally sighs and puts down his pen again, leaning back in his chair and gazing at the young profiler before pinching the bridge of his nose.]

...I'm not going to win this argument, am I?


IT WAS TERRIBLE. MY MOM TURNED ME IN AND I HID IN A PUBLIC BATHROOM. /is clever cleithrophobic June 19 2011, 17:05:26 UTC
No. [A slight shake of his head. Reid doesn't know if he's actually accomplished anything with this, but some of what he's said seems to have gone through to Hotch. At least, he'd like to think so. Hopes so.]

There's a limit to how much a person can handle-- I know you realize that, too.


HOW THE HELL DOES THAT WORK? baufatherfigure June 19 2011, 18:09:14 UTC
[Aaron rubs his forehead with a hand, looking a little embittered and finally just slightly pained.] Maybe I know that. Maybe I want to go home, but--

--but I feel like I can't yet. Like I won't be able to.

...I've got to find him, Reid. I've got to find Foyet. Even if I do end up killing myself in the process.


PFFF IT'S THE SMARTEST PLACE TO HIDE EVER. other bad guys - take notes. cleithrophobic June 19 2011, 19:50:35 UTC
You have to allow yourself to breathe. You're not alone in this, Hotch.

[They've never been as close as they are now, him and Aaron, and seeing him like this-- it hurts Reid.]

You don't have to do this all on your own.


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