That was then, this is now...

Nov 04, 2005 19:50

Not entirely sure what prompted me to start up this LJ -- my third. So now I have one personal, one travelblog for the trip to the UK I'm just finishing up, and this for fanfic-related purposes. I think I blame the LJ Firefly fanfic community for the urge to create this LJ; I wanted to be able to comment on people's LJ-posted fics, and join the ff_fanfic community, but not with my regular LJ. And now I'm faced with the urge to actually put something in the journal as well as using it to comment on other people's posts...which puts me in a bit of a sticky situation. Not that I don't have things I could, in theory, put in here -- it's just that they aren't much worth sharing, and I'm a bit scared of sharing the things I write, in general. Especially because most of what I write never gets finished, and/or doesn't have much in the way of redeeming characteristics. I blame Ephemera (Ephy for short), my muse...she's a silly wee thing.

As for that, well...I guess maybe I do have something to post, after all. Originally written in the spring of 2000, if I remember correctly (May, perhaps?) during a fit of poetic creativity inspired by the combination of a open-ended poetry assignment for my English 12 class (the assignment being "hand in at least 15 lines of poetry by such-and-such a date" -- I went a bit beyond that, all in) and looming grade 12 provincial exams I should have been studying for.


A fluttery creature,
bereft of true inspiration.
All her ideas feature
other people's creations.

A promising beginning,
sometimes she may send.
Her ideas sure are thinning
when I ask her for an end.

Middles she can manage,
I write them with gusto.
Her absence can cause damage
to a rather fragile ego.

For ideas for my poetry,
I'm sure I'd find a use.
But now she's gone and left me,
my rather fickle muse!
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