Dec 02, 2005 08:07
ohk so last night i worked from 6 - 8 had two glasses of wine and some nibbles consisting of mostly cookies
then me and emma came home got dressed in record time and headed down town to meet ben steph and co.
we enetered liquid lounge and started out with tequilla then jack daniels then more tequilla then much more jack daniels i believe
there was dancing and far too much biteing involved
hense the fact i wake up with a love bite and two teeth smarks on my arm and stomach from a rather viscious character
all in fun and games after this enjoyable evening i made my way to the taxi which managed to wipe my pockets clean after costing us 10 pounds to get home
how effing ridiculous that would give me almost a full tank of petrol that would lats me like a 2 weeks!
not impressed!
but after tonight i will be officially a freeloader again and next month manageing my money will be easier because i wont have to splash out on christmas gifts and my hair!
so yes all in all life is good
and i wish i knew how to find john
oh yes and last nigth on my return home i managed to devour a whole pizza
im such a fatty!