To do list

Sep 30, 2009 23:57

Challenge comms I am currently stalling on liek woah working on:

For roads_diverged Turks cosplay set 2/7
Harem prompt (1750 words)
Genderswitch prompt (800 words)

Right, so this list is clearly doing nothing to help my productivity, so I'm going to change it up a bit. This is now a list of nearly everything on my harddrive that I've started ( Read more... )

working on it

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Comments 25

anonymous April 18 2008, 03:18:45 UTC
goddessneptune April 27 2008, 06:11:25 UTC
also, hurray eventual gift fic!


animegoil August 18 2008, 03:27:47 UTC
Woa, you have a lot of stuff going on. I was looking through my inbox trying to sort through old emails, and found one of my ranting on your amazing fics for yaoi_challenge however long ago that was XD and was like... I want more of this... and then realized I hadn't friended you, which is a terrible thing because it means I CAN'T KEEP UP WITH YOUR STUFF. So, problem solved now ^_^ Will eventually get around to reading stuff <3


cleflink August 18 2008, 03:30:54 UTC
^__^ Welcome! I thought your comments were mad love, so it's great to have you along for the ride! (And I am the slowest writer in all ever, omg, so you shouldn't have too much trouble keeping up lol).



animegoil August 18 2008, 03:35:54 UTC
*high five* YAY for slow writers, even though it drives the readers mad!


animegoil August 18 2008, 03:36:23 UTC
sdkfbaskda HISOKA OMG, SO CUTE....

I want to watch that series. RIGHT NOW. OMG. Hisoka, you're so ADORABLE!


cloudy_chan September 13 2008, 15:08:10 UTC
Meep! Im anxiously awaiting more blood brothers and Wild Ones for they are amazing!


cleflink September 13 2008, 19:04:11 UTC
^___^ I'm so glad to hear you think so! I hope to have BB done... soon - the rough draft is done, I just need to make it readable. *shakes fist at school*

Thank you so much for all your enthusiasm and commenting!


cloudy_chan September 13 2008, 22:01:24 UTC
I love commenting! Oh man there is a rough draft done ^^ oh yeah if you ever need someone to beta id be more then happy cuz seriously I love your stuff! x-x sorry if I sound crazy lol ill be quiet now.


cleflink September 14 2008, 15:02:37 UTC
*laughs* No, you don't sound crazy, but I think you'll enjoy it more if you get to read the finished version - the draft's not really at a point where I'd be anything other than embarrassed to have someone read it. Thanks though! If school cooperates, I hope to have it up before too long!


cloudy_chan September 15 2008, 00:09:01 UTC
Mmmkay well good luck finishing things I cant wait to read it.


cleflink September 15 2008, 00:33:19 UTC
Psst! You may be interested in this game I am running right now. *slinks off sneaky-like*


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