Falling as the World Falls Down (Supernatural, Sam/Dean AU)

Aug 20, 2013 03:23

Have I ever mentioned how much I love Boyking Sam? Because I really love Boyking Sam.

Title: Falling as the World Falls Down
Fandom: Supernatural
Pairing: Sam/Dean
Rating: PG
Word count: 5250
Warnings: Boyking!Sam, sort of character death (it's Supernatural, what do you expect?), dub-con
A/N: Written for evilsam_spn's Summer of Evil Challenge. Inspired by ( Read more... )

pairing: sam/dean, fandom: supernatural, challenge: evil_sam, genre: au

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Comments 27

spike247uk August 20 2013, 08:58:59 UTC
oh, beautifully dark - love the boys reactions!!!!!


cleflink August 21 2013, 03:39:08 UTC
I probably shouldn't like Dark Sam as much as I do - but he's just so good at it! Dean's not out for the count yet, though.

Thank you!


e_contra August 20 2013, 10:08:32 UTC
oh sam... psychotic shouldn't look so good on you <333


cleflink August 21 2013, 03:43:23 UTC
I know right? If nothing else, he's going to be quite the charismatic leader.

I'm glad you enjoyed! Thanks!


cassiopeia7 August 20 2013, 10:54:19 UTC
Oh . . . my. Considering that Dean dies and Sam goes full-on darkside, this was surprisingly delicious. Brava!!


firesign10 August 20 2013, 14:44:00 UTC
EEEEEEEE great icon!!!


cleflink August 21 2013, 03:45:52 UTC
Yeah, but it's the Supernatural kind of dying, so it doesn't really count. :P I must admit that in my headcanon, darkside Sam isn't entirely dark, but he's definitely working the darker side of gray.

Thanks, hon! I'm glad you enjoyed!


blackrabbit42 August 20 2013, 14:32:52 UTC
Ooooo. Taking away his voice at the end was the perfect touch.



cleflink August 21 2013, 03:47:20 UTC
Sam says that it was the most logical response; Dean always seems to say the wrong thing when he's upset. They'll work on it together.

Glad you enjoyed, hon! Thanks!


firesign10 August 20 2013, 14:43:42 UTC
OMG that was so great!!


cleflink August 21 2013, 03:48:14 UTC
I'm glad you thought so! I probably shouldn't like Boyking Sam as much as I do, but that's okay.

Thank you!


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