The Stars Look Very Different Today (CWRPS, J2) Non-au!au

Mar 23, 2013 22:42

*waves* So, here's a belated note to say that my trip to Vegas Con and the America hinterland was rocking. I'll probably do some kind of write-up, for myself if nothing else, but here's the vacation in a nutshell: the con was fantastic, Las Vegas is memorable and vaguely impossible, Andre Rieu and his Johann Strauss Orchestra are absolutely amazing ( Read more... )

pairing: jared/jensen, icon is not inappropriate, fandom: cwrps, rl sort of, challenge: gift fic, genre: non-au!au

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Comments 34

quickreaver March 24 2013, 03:48:54 UTC
YOU'RE STOPPING HERE? Noooooo! More? Please?


cleflink March 24 2013, 04:48:30 UTC
I AM BECAUSE CLIFFHANGERS ARE AWESOME. And I was never going to finish it if I didn't pack it in early, so. I may come back to it once my fudging BigBang gets written if people are keen.



quickreaver March 24 2013, 05:11:07 UTC
Hee! I have no right to wail. I write the exactly same way. Cliffhangers-R-Us.

It's kinda cool; this vaguely reminds me of a book I read as a kid called "Black and Blue Magic", where the occasional sprouting of wings, through all the suffering and crash landings and whatnot, eventually becomes a source of emotional and physical growth for the young protagonist. So maybe I have a sort-of melancholy desire to see more!

That, and Jared with wings is nine kinds of hot. Yeah.


cleflink March 24 2013, 18:16:58 UTC
the occasional sprouting of wings

That sounds awesome and sort of situationally hilarious.

Jared with wings is a beautiful, beautiful thing. Just ask Jensen. ^_~


laurathelurker March 24 2013, 09:48:16 UTC
I'm not sure if I should laugh or cry. Please say there will be more of this.


cleflink March 24 2013, 18:19:33 UTC
I do so enjoying causing amused despair. *laughs*

I'm not ruling it out, but I haven't got any definite plans as of yet. Honestly, it's half a miracle that I got this much done at present.

Glad you enjoyed! Thank you!


(The comment has been removed)

cleflink March 24 2013, 18:21:15 UTC
Safe to say that Jared's going to get some time off work after this.

I'm glad you enjoyed! Thanks!


shenova March 24 2013, 10:50:47 UTC
Nice surprise at the Jared having wings. Nicely written loved it.


cleflink March 24 2013, 18:26:47 UTC
He was definitely not expecting that shit. His parents are going to have some serious explaining to do.

Thank you! I'm glad you enjoyed!


chellexxx March 24 2013, 11:20:53 UTC
excellent build up to a shocking reveal


cleflink March 24 2013, 18:39:18 UTC
Jensen was honestly starting to wonder if he was dreaming round the middle there. Not how either of them pictured the day going.

I'm glad it worked for you! Thanks!


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