Oh yeah, Big Bang!

Jul 25, 2012 11:43

Hello all! For anyone who might have missed it, I posted my spn_j2_bigbang story this morning! Confetti!

Superheroes Suck, or, the Unfortunately Extraordinary Life of Jensen Ackles
Jensen hates superheroes. Having grown up with not one, but two, of them in the family, he's more than aware of just how much having a spandex-clad alter ego can cock up the rest of your life. Luckily, his own powers tend towards the more passive, hippie florist side of things which - while embarrassing - means that all that superhero crap is someone else's problem.

Or it would, if not for the frequent interference of superhero-obsessed friends, hostage situations, hotshot new superheroes and irritating relatives. Not to mention a boyfriend who has the uncanny ability to go missing whenever bad things are going down somewhere else in the city.

Sometimes, Jensen's life is kind of bullshit.

I am also now in the very slow process of cross-posting my stuff to AO3, so you can find me there if you so desire.


pairing: jared/jensen, fandom: cwrps, genre: au, challenge: spn_j2_bigbang, state of the me

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