Superheroes Suck, or, The Unfortunately Extraordinary Life of Jensen Ackles (CWRPS, AU) MASTER POST

Jul 25, 2012 23:02

Title: Superheroes Suck, or, The Unfortunately Extraordinary Life of Jensen Ackles
Author: cleflink
Artist: mithborien
Pairing: Jared/Jensen
Rating: NC-17
Word count: 33,100
Warnings: Sex and superheroes
A/N: Written for spn_j2_bigbang's 2012 round.

Summary: Jensen hates superheroes. Having grown up with not one, but two, of them in the family, he's more than aware of just how ( Read more... )

pairing: jared/jensen, fandom: cwrps, genre: au, challenge: spn_j2_bigbang

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Comments 49

soncnica July 25 2012, 14:12:54 UTC
LMAO the summary ROFL ROFL ROFL... hahahahahha, oh man... I need to read this! NOW *runs*


cleflink July 25 2012, 15:04:36 UTC
This is definitely going to be a snarky!Jensen story. I hope you enjoy it! ^_^


deadflowers5 July 25 2012, 14:36:33 UTC
I made a pdf for myself, because this looks promising, so I wanted to start right away. :-)


cleflink July 25 2012, 15:25:57 UTC
*wry* For some reason, Macs doesn't include hyperlinks in .pdfs so I had to send the file to a friend to convert it for me.

It's up now though! And whichever way you read it, I hope you enjoy! ^_^


twasadark July 25 2012, 20:48:28 UTC
Thanks for posting on A03! Looking forward to the read!


cleflink July 26 2012, 01:26:30 UTC
It's a new thing for me, actually posting on AO3, but I enjoy reading on it, so.

Hope you enjoy!


passing_through July 25 2012, 21:57:59 UTC
I was so excited when I saw your fic pop up today. I reread 17 A.W. yesterday (I seriously love that fic) and was wondering if you were going to post a BB and it looks like you have! This sounds like so much fun. I'm downloading to my nook and will come back to comment when I'm done.


cleflink July 26 2012, 01:28:32 UTC
*hearts at you* I have to admit, of all the stuff I've written, 17 A.W. is absolutely one of my favourites, so kudos to you for having great taste. *laughs*

I look forward to hearing what you think about this one!


nightrider101 July 25 2012, 23:22:43 UTC
This looks like so much fun! *runs off to read*


cleflink July 26 2012, 01:30:10 UTC
*laughs* If nothing else, at least I can rest assured that I wrote a good summary for once.



nightrider101 July 27 2012, 20:31:14 UTC
This was so much fun! Your summary promised a great fic and you more than delivered! This is definitely my favorite BB thus far. I laughed to the point of tears. Just the perfect smattering of intensity and angsty goodness. Thank you so much for sharing. This is a gem. I'm going to treasure the PDF always!


cleflink July 30 2012, 19:09:46 UTC
Tears of laughter are one of my favourite things. Especially when they're my fault. ^_^

I'm so glad you enjoyed, hon! Thank you for taking the time to let me know!


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