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Comments 24

synthetic_worms June 7 2008, 03:24:33 UTC
Thanks alot now my heart is a puddle on the floor ;;m;;


cleflink June 7 2008, 19:42:26 UTC
Eep! *offers hugs and tissues* Quick! Pretend canon never happened! It turns out much better that way!



jukeboxhound June 7 2008, 20:08:46 UTC
Oh, so lovely, and you had a few turns of phrase in this that made it all the more heartbreaking. Wonderfully bittersweet.


cleflink June 7 2008, 22:21:10 UTC
*blush* Thanks so much! ^___^ These two just make me woob so badly - and Zack makes a wonderful narrator for this sort of thing.


lillypuff June 7 2008, 20:23:10 UTC
This was all kinds of sad and sweet and wonderful. I might have to be like you and pretend canon never happened ;)

Lovely job.


cleflink June 7 2008, 22:22:01 UTC
*nods* The world is a better place when FFVII canon is ignored. (At least where Zack is concerned).

So glad you enjoyed! ^__^


leeskypuddle June 7 2008, 20:51:45 UTC
I thought it was beautiful. Excellently written, and it was so cute but heartbreaking at the same time and ... I find it sad and great that Zack thinks of what Cloud would do in reply. It would be just like him to babble and make it seem like nothing was wrong. I hope that made sense, hehe, but I'm in the middle of wanting to cry and laugh and the same time so I can't explain myself. ^_^ Apologies for the strange review! But I blame your writing! XD


cleflink June 7 2008, 22:38:47 UTC
Well, Zack really strikes me as a 'positive reinforcement' sort of guy - and Cloud might respond better if Zack makes it clear that even this isn't going to change anything between them. *is a big smoosh*

And I'm rather overwhelmed (in a good way!) that you found this piece so evocative. Thank you so much for enjoying! :)


knightlineninja June 7 2008, 21:17:35 UTC
He tried a crooked smile on for size, and was relieved when it didn’t fit too badly -

Such a Zack line. Oh Gods. Zack. Cloud. You both break me *sighs*.

That was a lovely sweet and tender moment, very well done.

...I shouldn't be listening to sad music whilst reading these two either. *sniff*


cleflink June 7 2008, 22:44:16 UTC
And see, I usually write excessive amounts of unrepentant fluff for these two, so it was a real shift of gears to be a little more bittersweet for once. But that's what they insisted on and at least I can pretend that the entire Shinra army fell into Junon Bay between now and canon and EVERYTHING WAS SWELL. *innocent whistle*

Thanks muchly! ^__^


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