Surprise guest !!!

Sep 13, 2007 19:47

I just came back from work and just read this in the newsletter of an coming convention :


You HIGURI est une célèbre mangaka en France et au Japon.
C'est une artiste de talent réputée pour ses mangas au fond historique et au ton
dramatique comme "Ludwig II", consacré à la vie de Louis II de Bavière.
Son graphisme remarquable, que l'on retrouve notamment dans "Seimaden" et
"Cantarella", lui a ouvert les portes de l'animation. En effet, elle est le
chara Designer de "Gakuen Heaven".

Pour sa première visite en France, You HIGURI a choisi Manga Expo !

Sorry French only. It says You Higuri will come to MangaExpo convention next month or so.
If that comes true, I can only applaude to this success!!!!! At long last, a shoujo manga author (with strong BL in all her career!) in a french convention!!!!!!! It may well make me go there even though I had no intention to go so far...
We had a couple of mangaka from corea/china or other asian countries. But Japanese ones were scarce, and mainly shonen authors, and not the better known (at least from my point of view). So I'm really happy!
However, I don't know if I'll be able to stand the long queue I'm expecting (we're so bad at organizing this stuff >.< ), all the more so that I don't like this author that much XD


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