(no subject)

Oct 02, 2006 10:48

You're all poopheads! Why don't you update?! Don't you know I'm stranded a bazillion miles away from everyone and need to be constantly updated on all the gossip and goings on and mundane stupid little details of your lives???

Lousy weather this weeked, so it ended up being quite a lazy one.

Had a birthday dinner for my friend Jess on Thursday and shamefully shamefully missed going out w/ April for hers due to dead cellphone. :(  Still, the dinner turned into an all night card playing marathon/death match which was a rockin good time.

Chilled out Friday, then went to The Qube (yes, it did pain me to be in a place with a name spelled like that) which was this dance club place that the International Student Society thing picked to have a get-to-know-you night. We got a free pint and everything! :P

My friends and I had planned to go to Killarney National Park on Saturday and partake of the loverly  scenery and take lots of pictures and generally just frolic around. But then there were torrential downpours. And as fun as it would be to frolic around in the woods in a torrential downpour, we figured we'd just go ahead and save the 20euro and frolic in the streets. Or, you know, not, as the Irish drivers are MANIACS who play the "How many Americans can I kill today" game all the time.

Then yesterday we had talked about going to this "bustling" little town called Midleton (where there just so happens to be a whiskey distillery....) but I was so lazy I never called anyone about it. They never called me either, so I think we all just sort of mutually decided we didn't feel like traveling or walking around in the rain.

I was at least partially productive this weekend though. I did a lot of cleaning, I burned baked chocolate chip cookies from scratch with no measuring cups (they came out good! er, the ones that weren't charcoal that is), and I FINALLY FINALLY put all my pictures and posters up on my walls. I love it. It's amazing what a difference it makes, I feel like I actually live here now. I've been here for 5 weeks, but I finally feel like it's my room. That and the fact that it's a mess. That makes me feel more at home too.

Went to see a fantastic movie and a TERRIBLE movie this weekend. I will never look at cows the same way. *shudder*

Also watched Indy and P&P, read an entire book, and made just a bit of progress on my scarf.  (I'll have the bloody thing finished by summer at this rate...)

Still, though it was dull, an overall good weekend. Sometimes you just need to be lazy.

P.S. You all know that I spell lovely wrong on purpose, right? I spell it Lov ER ly so that you'll pronounce it that way. Because it's funner. That is too a word. I said so. Shutup.
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