Cuff'm ficathon

May 23, 2005 19:49

Author/Artist Name: Cindy Lee
On lj at cleeaz
Title: In Heat
Fandom: Crossover Spider-man / Anita Blake
Peter Parker (aka, Spider-man) & Jason (a werewolf from the Anita Blake universe)
Kink: Biting to leave marks Kink: Bruises in Compromising Places
Rated Adult for language, blood play and sex

Jason had no idea how he’d ended up here with Peter, but he was afraid. He’d been with the others when Peter had simply appeared in mid air. He’d seen him rip open the heavy welded steel door as if it were tissue paper. Something the werewolves and vampires hadn’t been able to do, they hadn’t even been able to scratch the surface. He’d seen the webbing contain Anita (since Peter said he didn’t like guns), which again none of them could break. He’d seen Peter drop one, only one drop of his blood on a vampire, than Jean-Claude wanted to punish and seen it eat through the vampire’s skin like acid. Peter hadn’t liked that and had immediately treated the vampire who would always bare the scar. Not as bad a scar as holy water could produce, but bad enough.

He knew Peter well enough to know that he was tough, intelligent and a rogue. He’d only just allowed Jean-Claude to dress him, and even then he refused to wear shoes. He’s taken the job of bartender at Guilty Pleasures by choice, adamantly refusing to strip. When Jean-Claude had started to threaten him, the threat had gone unspoken. Everyone present knew that Jean-Claude didn’t have a chance in hell of enforcing obedience out of this creature. Whoever and whatever he was. All the weres, even the hyenas, had been repulsed by the idea of being bitten by an insect (excuse me, arachnoid - Peter was rather fixated on the subject) the idea of a were being bit by a spider was nauseating to most of them. But it certainly explained the strength, the ability to crawl on walls and the webbing. He prayed never to be around if Peter actually turned into a man-sized spider. He shuddered at the thought.

Now here he sharing a bedroom with Peter. That is after Jean-Claude told him, that Peter and he would be sharing a room under the Circus in no uncertain manner. Peter watched him silently, he could be as unnervingly still as a vampire, unmoving until he literally seemed to blend into walls. Jason started in with his typical defense mechanism and began to flirt. Peter, blinked and looked bewildered, as if he wasn’t used to anyone flirting with him. Jason found that hard to believe. Dressed by Jean-Claude in tight black satin jeans with a glossy brown vest, the boy’s tight, muscular body was evident. His golden eyes were accented by the dark hawk brows. His hair was the same dark coffee brown, with odd gold highlights that seemed somehow natural. His hair was short and curling, meeting in a widow’s peak on his forehead. Peter wasn’t hard on the eyes at all.

Now the golden eyes were watchful and weary. Jason already knew the boy had a soft heart, (for some reason Peter felt younger than he did), and that he wouldn’t hurt anyone unless he was driven to it. So he continued to flirt, raising up the stakes by deliberately circling and touching him. He gently bumped into Peter, leaning close until they were eye to eye. Peter was now biting his lip and looking as if he were ready to run. Jason’s blue eyes began to gleam, so Peter who was so sure in every other aspect wasn’t quite so sure when faced with sex. He found himself laughing. Just as suddenly he found himself slammed down to the floor, with Peter crouched on floor looking for all the world as if he would destroy Jason. Golden eyes narrowed, lips thinned back showing gleaming white teeth. Jason caught his breath. The boy was even more beautiful like this. He kept low and approached slowly as he would with another wolf. He again gently bumped up against Peter, till Peter uncertainly reached out and stroked him. His posture began to relax and his face gentled. He stroked Jason’s short blonde hair, shyly, but at least he didn’t seem like he was going to run. Jason looked up at Peter placing both hands on Peter’s shoulders pulling him closer. He shuddered when their lips met, all weres ran unnaturally warm, but Peter felt hot.

Hot and silky lips, lips he gently thrust the tip of his tongue against them, till Peter opened his lips. His mouth was wet and hot, somehow tasting of cinnamon and vanilla. Peter was soon leaning against him, moaning as if Jason wasn’t just fucking his mouth was fucking him much more intimately. Jason pulled away to see dazed eyes, swollen lips and a flushed face. He deliberately thrust his hips against Peter, letting Peter feel how hard he was. Peter flushed even more, but thrust back his hot pick burning against Jason’s hip. Peter leaned in, this time taking the lead and kissing Jason, his tongue gently mapping out Jason’s mouth, then finally sucking on Jason tongue as if trying to consume. Jason slowly undressed himself and the boy, while he pushed and bumped his soon to be lover toward the bed. Peter gasped for breath as he bounced back on the bed, bearing Jason’s weight without effort.

Jason’s wolf was starting to get just as horny as he was. He found himself growling wanting to mark Peter as his. Peter, frowned and growled right back, suddenly turning the tables and Jason found himself face down on the bed with a half naked man perched on his hips, hands gripped behind his back. “You can’t bite me, you know, it wouldn’t be good for you,” this said in a soft low voice. Peter’s hot mouth trailed down the arch of his neck, his teeth gently nipping against his jugular. Jason tried to shake his hands loose, knowing it was useless - Peter held him easily, without straining at all. Jason arched up against Peter and Peter’s mouth gently tugged at the short hairs of at the delicate nape of Jason’s neck. Jason arched back again, this time trying to rub his cock against the surface of the bed, he was hard and aching so badly. He wanted this boy’s oh, so hot body, and hotter cock, on him, in him - just doing him.

Peter’s teeth left off tugging his hair and nipped at the back of his neck, finally baring down - until Jason was dazed with pain - but delighted to feel claimed, owned by this man. He could feel his the heat of his blood trailing over down his shoulder, only to delicately licked up by Peter, whose hands had tightened enough to leave bruises, even on his, wrist. He shuddered with delight loving the feel of Peter’s cock hot and hard rubbing up against his buttocks. Abruptly he realized his hands were tied back with webbing. Peter turned him over on back, golden eyes gleaming with passion, a touch of his blood glistened on Peter’s lips. This time Peter leaned and took control of the kiss. Sucking, bitting until his breath was coming in harsh pants. Peter pulled down their pants exposing both their cocks.

He trailed down Jason body leaving a broken path of bite and suck marks. Leaving small splatters of blood behind, his collar, his sternum, both nipples, every erotic zone between his chin and cock were tasted and tested. He bucked trying to get Peter to touch, taste, bite his cock. Peter laughed up at him. Then slowly licked up his cock, leaving him wet and trembling, pre-cum, dribbling down. Peter pushed his legs, still trapped in his tight jeans apart, then began nibbling and licking his tight ready balls, but nothing prepared him for Peter biting him hard just behind on his perineum, he cried out and almost came, only Peter’s tight grip prevented his cumming. Peter leaned up over him, licking the spot of blood off his swollen bottom. Peter took both hard, and wet cocks, pulsing with pre-cum. He soon had them both slick, moving in a faltering rhythm and they were cumming together. Leaving them both panting and exhausted, heady with spent passion. Peter broke his wrist restraints and gently, almost apologetically kissing each bite, each bruise. They fell asleep twined together, never wondering what would happen in the morning.

The End?
Please forgive any errors, this piece isn’t beta’d.
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