May 02, 2004 17:38
Blah, I'm about to ban annonomus comments because I'm tired of stupid middle school kids leaving comments, [not talking about middle school friends, but people like Jason, leaving comments, p.s. anyone wanting to leave stupid comments, please, refrain from bad grammer including : U, Thur, wat, R, lol, brb, lyke, gurl ect.] Stupid people, So I hope I can getta ride to Norma Jean on the eighth, things really suck lately, things have been falling apart and it's really my fault. I do such stupid things it pisses me off I just hate myself for it, I think every wednesday I will post what the talk was in Wyldlife and small group, I wish I could keep my brain on god instead of how I look or girls, I need more outside influences. I really love my friends I hope you guys don't turn into assholes or let me turn into one. My friend George wants to beat me up now because someone told him I was "talking shit" wich is funny because the only language I know is English,He needs to expand his vocabulary. Oh well, I love you guys, I got a hair trim, not cut, I just made it thinnner and cut the sides, please ask me questions, any question at all, or say anything about me you want don't hold anything back, annonymous or not I don't care and it better be good because I am either going to make this friends only or No annonomous posting, or if I am really nice I will screen annonymous comments. Remember, anything at all.
Love Ben