07 ♠ video

Oct 29, 2011 13:14

[The SFC flicks on to show Rena perusing her closet; on her bed are a few dresses and jumpers, along with shoes and even a couple hats. She's humming under her breath as she pulls out a white lolita dress with black accent ribbons, holding it up against herself.]

Rena loves this time of year! We all dress up in cute costumes, Mi-chan comes up with fun games to play, and we all have so much fun! Ano...

[She turns to the camera, still holding the dress, though her face is slightly confused.]

I think Mi-chan's nervous about something. I think she and Keiichi-kun have some sort of bet going, but it's not like her to be so quiet about it. Maybe...

[She taps her chin, then shakes her head with a giggle, the smile returning.]

Rena will help her out, no matter what it is. Everything will work out, and we'll have so much fun! But now, I have to decide what we should dress up as!

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