So ya, back from our trip to Puerto Vallarta, and it was awesome, we did next to nothing and it was everything I could have hoped for (often alternated between beers on the beach & margaritas by the pool, awesome).
antje23 made an awesome post of part 1 of the trip or whatever, I'm sure most (maybe all?) of you could go read that there since I'm a lazy horrible LJ-er these days; but did recall it's been a LONG time since I posted & just figured I'd pop in.
Lots of news on my work's fate (Midway, our parent company, is in Chpt. 11 bankruptcy that's working its way through the courts right now), should have some news I CAN talk about fairly soon, but it looks to be really good for our studio, if nothin' else.
I'll try to pop on more often & at least skim posts 'cause I really do miss a lot of you that I don't see much anymore; but I think I also say that every few posts--still not like the old days where I'd spend half my work-day on here & kept up on everything from everyone; but that's probably a good thing as I'm not going to get fired for doing so, either. ;)