Day Two of Post Lasik Woes

May 16, 2008 20:10


 the strokes - reptilia

Still a bit grainy but pain has been reduced to feeling like I'm a smoky bar. The mild stinging sensation is miles better than yesterdays tearfest. I hate the bandage contact lenses and can't wait to get rid of them on Monday. The same thing can be said about my vision. It's like being in a smoky room. Not as photophobic but focusing is still a bit difficult. Staying awake for longer but still spent most of the day asleep. I'm beginning to feel that my two days of inactivity is making me restless. Time to get out of my cave.

Whatever the rate I don't really have regrets. Vision is getting sharper and worst case scenario I end up with 20/25 vision... a far cry from my usual 650/625. :D With a corneal thickness of 0.451 you really can't expect fast healing or for that matter I don't think any other eye center save for the The Lasik Surgery Clinic will accept you. Of course PRK or EpiLasik can't heal as fast as the regular corneal flap procedure and it is not without its annoying drawbacks which includes 3 days of pain. I hope the smoky stinging sensation goes away tomorrow. At any rate I feel that I am infection free and extremely excited about my improving vision. No halos or night blindness! :D Plus I'll be able to swim after two weeks! :)

I've also finally converted my iPhone into an extra phone/iPod video and am finally promoted to second year. No to remedials! :) I'll also be interning in the American Eye for two weeks. Hahaha talk about coincidence and uh.... yay for going to Shang everyday! :D

"I can,t see the sunshine. I'll be waiting for you baby."

breathe in, all at sea, lemon tree

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