You're on a beach. There's a warm tropical ocean on one side, jungle to the other, a bright sun above, and hot sand below. Look around, and you might notice that the beach is littered with debris. ...Actually, no. You look again, and what you thought was debris are...obstacles. Wickets. Brightly colored poles with streamers attached. Baseball plates and big rocks.
Maybe you know how you got here, or maybe you don't. It doesn't much matter.
Because there's a woman with white hair and tattoos standing in front of you. She's got a flag on a long stick propped against one shoulder and a black mask over her eyes. She's holding a dodgeball, and grinning at you.
"Hey, stranger. Wanna play Calvinball?"
IC CALVINBALL. Anything goes. Literally. It's kind of the rule of the game. But be polite to other people or I will frown at you.))