(no subject)

Jun 14, 2010 18:10

Title: Broken
Rating: R for language
Pairing and/or Character: Ryan Giggs, David Beckham, implied Gary Neville/Ryan Giggs, Gary Neville/David Beckham
Disclaimer: No not mine but I'd take all of them if someone was offering.
Summary: 'Ryan on the other hand is shocked that the word came out of his mouth, he was thinking it but he never intended to say it.'
Notes: So um I found this on my computer and have been told off by kobean for witholding fic on her, this fic isn't happy. its pretty angsty and there's no happiness to it but I kind of like how it goes.

Ryan lies down on his couch as David sits across from him, his intense gaze focused on Ryan and Ryan knows why he’s here but that doesn’t mean he has to acknowledge his presence.  It’s none of his fucking business anyway which is a lie because isn’t David the whole reason he broke it off with Gary anyway?

It’s silent, neither of them willing to start the conversation that is bound to happen.  Ryan can tell David is getting agitated with the lack of noise yet Ryan is content.  He’s okay with silence, it’s been nothing but silent since he broke it off with Gary.

“Ryan.” One word though with the way David says it, it speaks a thousand words but Ryan ignores it, he doesn’t want to talk about this.  He doesn’t want to talk about how being with Gary hurts more than it feels good or how he probably crushed Gary with the breakup.

“I don’t want to talk about this.” Ryan states firmly but David shakes his head.

“I’m not leaving without talking about this.” David informs Ryan and Ryan sighs and turns his head away so he is looking into the back of the couch.  He presses his face against the soft material and takes a deep breath.

“Ryan.” David is pleading now but Ryan just shakes his head slightly still not wanting to talk about this and pressing himself closer into the back of the couch.

“Gary’s a mess.” David informs him trying to get a reaction out of the other man.  Ryan can hear the hint of annoyance in his voice and the slight protective tone.

“Good.” Is the answer David receives and he can’t tell if Ryan is serious or not.  Ryan on the other hand is shocked that the word came out of his mouth, he was thinking it but he never intended to say it.

David open and closes his mouth a few times as the shock of that one word washes over him, he never even comprehended that Ryan would willingly cause Gary harm and the idea of it bring out his protective side that he has always had with Gary.

“Ryan please.”

“Why can’t you understand that I don’t want to talk about it.” Ryan jumps up from the couch and speaks angrily as his eyes flash, “I don’t want to talk about how being with Gary hurts more than it actually feels good.  How his body is with me but his head and his heart are with you.”

David’s eyes widen but he keeps his mouth shut and watches as Ryan’s knees give out and tears make their way down his face.  Ryan wipes at his face roughly.

“I cant --- no I won’t do that.  I won’t be with him; I won’t give him everything when I don’t even get half of him back.” Ryan states firmly and looks up at David and David sighs before sinking down to the ground next to Ryan.

“Come here.” David murmurs while grasping Ryan’s hips and trying to tug him closer.  Ryan crawls over to sit in front of David and David pulls him forward so he’s practically sitting in David’s lap and it’s uncomfortable and it’s weird but it’s okay.

Ryan’s rests his forehead against David’s in exhaustion and David brings his hand up to Ryan’s face to wipe away the remaining tears.  Ryan sighs and moves his head to the side so it’s pressed against David’s neck and David moves his hand from Ryan’s face to the back of his neck.

“I’m sorry David.” Ryan mutters against his neck

rating: r, ryan giggs, david beckham

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