Title: Little bit of Saticfaction
Rating: G
Pairing: Wayne Rooney, Cristiano Ronaldo, very light Cris/Wayne
Word count: 247
Disclaimer: Not mine, never will be.
A/N: I thought of this while I was away, sitting in Qatar watching BBC Word News when a report came on about Cris being at United and all that Real Madrid stuff that happened earlier so needless to say this little piece of fiction is angsty and not really happy at all. Kinda validates how pissed I was at the time.
Training had been over for a good hour yet Wayne still stands in the middle of the field messing around with the ball. If anyone was to ask him what he had done in the last hour since training had ended Wayne wouldn’t be able to utter a single word as the only words that had been running through his head at the time were a never ending cycle of ‘Real Madrid’. What was he doing? Obsessing about Cris not moving to the Spanish club, apparently.
“Argh.” Wayne screams as he kicks the ball with all his strength and watches as it flies across the pitch and misses the goal by more than a mile. Wayne sighs and slides to the ground in a slump. He can’t help but think he’s wasting his time, why should he risk everything with Cris when he has a beautiful wife and he isn’t even sure if Cris wants to stay at United, wants to stay with him. Wayne wonders if Cris would even be here this season if Fergie hadn’t had words with him, probably not.
“What a waste.” Wayne mutters.
“What’s a waste?” Wayne turns his head to see Cris standing there with his hands in the pockets of his stylish jeans. Wayne sighs and pushes himself off the ground.
“You are.” Wayne replies and walks away to hear Cris yell his name but Wayne keeps walking and he feels a little bit of satisfaction to leave Cris standing.