If you things aren't going to arrive until the 2nd or so of May does that mean that you'll be crashing on the floor of your new apartment in your Power Rangers sleeping bag? :[
If you need any help getting slettled or going grocery shopping or finding out where you can buy a blow up sheep, just let me know ^__^
You know, only Goons mention anything about blow-up sheep. Actually, blow-up anything come to think of it.
I'll have my blow-up needs met with the mattress provided by my sister and brother in law. However, I will have no cooking supplies at all, so I'll be eating out and having cereal with cheap paper dishes/bowls for a week. That and it seems I'm making that LA trip next week.
May 11-13 we might be up in Sacramento. if you come in next weekend (26-28) you can totally crash at my place again, only thing is i couldnt pick you up from the airport. so you'd have to find a ride to my house (maybe i can finagle my roommate to do it?) then wait till i got home late from bellydancing rehearsal. if you can figure out how to do that i am totally cool with you crashing next weekend. plus it's Karla's birthday weekend =D!
Saturday 3:40 departure is fine.also, Ryan can pick you up from LGB if you come in on the 5:07 flight, cause he is awesome. he'll probably bring you to my pad and dump you off, till i get home from bellydancing about 1030. sound ok?
Karla is having festivities both Friday night and Sat night (but you'll be gone). friday night you'll most likely get to experience Release the Bats in Long Beach. that place is fun as hell!
Comments 8
If you need any help getting slettled or going grocery shopping or finding out where you can buy a blow up sheep, just let me know ^__^
I'll have my blow-up needs met with the mattress provided by my sister and brother in law. However, I will have no cooking supplies at all, so I'll be eating out and having cereal with cheap paper dishes/bowls for a week. That and it seems I'm making that LA trip next week.
Thursday (arrivals to LGB):
Saturday (depart from LGB):
The whole thing is hinges on transportation to and from LGB, so I'm pretty flexible. Don't know when usagi_moon's party is...
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