Tonight, it finally hit me that I'm working for the best company in the world. Tonight I went to my last
Boston Post Mortem, the local chapter of the
IGDA meeting. While I wanted to share my GDC experiences with people, I also wanted to do one thing in particular:
Smug as it may be, writing the name of the company I now represent is a kind of awesome that simply can not be described in words or emoticons. Tonight was also the first time I started talking about Telltale as 'we'. Instead of saying:
Telltale Games claims episodic games and actually deliver.
Now I can say:
We release episodic games and actually deliver.
Which isn't to say that I worked directly on the projects yet, but that I am representing the company as a [near-future] employee. Needless to say I got more attention at the meeting than I have ever in the past. Course, it also helps that the meeting was actually in Boston at
McFadden's at Faniual Hall.
That's all for the moment, sans one more photo of me being smug under the cut: