Sorry it took so long to get up, but here's some photos from the Prudential line. I'm in a rush so I'm using LiveJournal to post these images. If they don't work, use
this link or wait till I get real hosting set up.
I arrived at about 5:30am and wound up 9th in line. :dance: Soon after, doomisland and about three others showed up. We were officially a goon meet. Security was moving us around as the floor cleaner was doing his job where we were. But all the people were very orderly and nice; No line drama.
After there were only two who trickeled in between 6am and just before 8am. I took this photo at 7:15am:
Then I took a photo of doomisland:
Then myself:
Just before 8am, we were all asked by security to swing the line the other direction. Construction was going on on the store next to the GameStop and again people weren't dicks. At this point I was kinda worried there wouldn't be that many people. I got up at 4am to do this; I demanded Schadenfreude!
Two guys started walking past us to get to the end of the line. They would be somewhere in the low 20's, so I said as they were walking by "You're cool." Then the guy stopped, looked at me, and said 'What.' as if he was going to kick my ass. "No dude, you're totally going to get a Wii; they have at least 32 and you're around the 20's." Then he and is friend walked away. Whatever.
Though out the time, people would pass us and look at us. I would say hello to them to be nice and break the ice so they can ask what we were waiting for. Most were confused when I told them "We're pre-ordering the Nintendo Wii". But some people that walked by had the look of utter disgust at us. These were mostly suits and other rich people. I was proud to be a nerd today.
At some point around 8:15am, the length of the line suddenly grew and we were over the limit of people. Schadenfreude accomplished! By this time the reporter was walking to various people and taking interviews. Like doomisland said,
he didn't use most of the people he interviewed, but it was still fun to have some press at the event.
Just after 9:30, the manager at the GameStop showed up in the store (he took the back door). There was an excitement that the time was near to pre-order. The guy was nice and firm on the rules, which was great. Stupid shit didn't happen and I'm thankful for that. Eventually he came out and did a head count of people. Then when he got to the end, told everyone else they wouldn't get a preorder. This disbanded most people, but a few stayed on in hope.
Then the moment finally came at about 10am. At this point I slipped in to 10th in line, but I didn't much care; Me and doomisland were going to get one regardless. I ordered and paid in full the Wii and an extra Wii controller. I put $5 down for Red Steel a few weeks ago, but I didn't pay it off yet. I may switch that to Rayman or something else; I'm still on the fence. But in all, I was relieved that my name is on the 14th Wii to come to the store.
In all, it was a good time and I'm glad I did it!
Cross posted on SA.