A Night with Harmonics

Sep 21, 2006 01:17

Cross-posting from my entry in SA:

Kaboobi posted:

Eh, it seems kind of awkward for a 20 year old kid to come to that to just go "OMG GH2!!!". If you see Adrian Rigopulos, tell him Brian Silva says hi.

... like the other <= 20 year old kids there? Actually, there were a lot of WPI students as well as the contingent of Emerson students that my student worker headed up.

There were greater numbers of people there than other Post Mortems I've been to. The only one that compares was the meet at Stainless Steal Studios (May the RIP). Their attendance picks up when it's not in Waltham. Hint hint...

So I got there super early, but I got to play a few songs before the crowd got in and meet up with some of the Harmonics crew. Some recognized me from last I playtested over a year ago. Nice to see I left such a mark.

SgtScruffy posted:

Is this going to have the full song list? As in, after tonight, will there be leaks of the full thing, or will it have either an NDA, or a partial list?

No NDA, but photos were too up in the air. However, the build was 'Something after E3' so it was a showcase demo and not the complete game. But no NDA, so here follows my thoughts:

The song list was only 10 and nothing about that list. From what I remember:
  • John the Fisherman - Primus
  • Trippin' On a Hole in a Paper Heart - STP
  • Madhouse - Anthrax
  • War Pigs - Black Sabbath
  • Strutter - KISS
  • YYZ - Rush
  • ... more I forgot
Everyone played the hell out of YYZ. I said that I was getting sick of the song, then one of the Harmonics staff laughed.

The gameplay is the same as it ever was, but a few added things. Most of which we already know for co-op (work as a team; shared rock star power) with one new thing: When you mess up, the guitar neck on the screen darkens and moves around a bit. Depending on the song, you're not doing repetitive Green-only patterns on the bass/rythem parts. For some songs, the rhythm part is more challenging than the lead guitar.

There was only one venue (set) for the demo. A TV studio from the 70's with a modern update. Black and white spirals and some really good lighting effects. Seriously good lighting. Also, the characters were more expressive and matching to the song being played. Instead of the few canned animations used for each song, the scripting seems rooted more with the context of the song. Also, the drummer looked like he was actually playing the drums for the song!

Not too much else I can say, outside that it doesn't disappoint from what I saw. In all, the team was able to work more on the polish side of things since the core gameplay is there.

Oh, and it did get harder. Not that easy is hard, but hard and expert got harder.

game industry, igda, guitar hero, harmonics

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