So about that video...

Feb 04, 2006 16:17

A comedy troupe at Emerson called Chocolate Cake City were together when one of their members started running off various funny movie titles based off of Brokeback Mountain. That person eventually said "Brokeback to the Future". For some reason, they decided to take a weekend and watch all three "Back to the Future" movies, picking off clips to make a trailer. They were rushing to get this done for a Comedy festival at Emerson. It was shown with good feedback.

Tuesday night, they posted this on their website on the student's Pages server and got a domain name to point at it. With some help, it spread. It spread so much, that Freakgril, Qwantz, Stereogum, Johnathan Coulton, Delta Park, Defamer, Andrew Sullivan and the motherload: Boing Boing.

Though most people use YouTube as the venue to view the site, Chocolate Cake wanted their other work shown as well. However, their site is on Pages which is the Emerson College student web server. Their connection was controlled because of this.

This is where I come in. gillyheartsyou contacted me on advice for them. I told her to have the guy with the original video to come to my office.

I spent my after-work time compiling the videos for streaming, then posting it on the New Media server I still have access to. It was the first time making streaming videos for something that mattered, and I had difficulty trying to get it to work. Now most of the load is over on a different box. The problem with that streaming server is that your network access needs to be clear of port blocking. Otherwise you can't see it streamed. But, it's up and better than nothing.

On Monday I'm going to start talking to a few people on what to do with the next 'it' video that comes out of Emerson. It appalls me that we don't have a setup for streaming student work like this. It's one of the reasons I was hired, but I had to get the Admission site up first and there's a lot of other things beyond my control that need to happen first. We lost huge opportunities in branding with this situation, as well as prevented opportunities that could have happened if video was delivered. This is why we exist as a college; This needs to improve now.

websites, browsers, nerd, poll

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